最新のポッドキャストをここで聞くことができます または、Apple、Spotify、RadioPublic、Stitcher、RSSなど、さまざまな場所から携帯電話にダウンロードします。
私は1991年にMoneyTalks Newsを設立しました。私はCPAであり、株式、商品、オプション元本、投資信託、生命保険、証券監督者、不動産のライセンスも取得しています。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:00:00]やあみんな、そしてお金のポッドキャストへようこそ。 2001年9月11日の直後、近所のさまざまな店のカウンターで透明なプレキシガラスのコレクションボックスが見え始めました。 9 11の孤児と呼ばれる慈善団体への寄付を募っていましたが、おそらく私は消費者レポーターであるため、他の人たちがすでに行っていたように、自分の変更をただドロップするのではなく、最初に慈善団体に電話しました。
ミランダマーキット: [00:01:28]お元気ですか
ステイシージョンソン: [00:01:28]今日は?私は元気。私たちの初心者の投資家とプロデューサーはどうですか?アーロンフリーマン。アーロン、今日は元気ですか?すべて
アーロンフリーマン: [00:01:34]そうですね、元気です。私は大丈夫です。私は大丈夫です。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:01:36]わかった、ダン。今日のトピックを掘り下げる準備はできましたか?私はそうですが、そうする前に。簡単な免責事項、このポッドキャストで株式やその他の投資の名前を聞く必要がありますか?
アーロンフリーマン: [00:02:08]はい、
ステイシージョンソン: [00:02:11]はい。あなたは行く準備ができていますか?私が見たので簡単なお金はどこにありますか?
ミランダマーキット: [00:02:15]そうだと思います。うん。つまり、ええ。つまり、この全体、ええと、一生懸命働くことは本当の抵抗になり始めています。
アーロンフリーマン: [00:02:23]うん。ステイシーを教えてください、どうすればいいですか
ステイシージョンソン: [00:02:24]簡単にお金を稼ぐ?エリン、簡単にお金を稼ぐ方法をお話しします。
アーロンフリーマン: [00:02:29]でも私には費用がかかりました。 1995年にあなたに支払う必要がありますか?
ステイシージョンソン: [00:02:31]ええ、それが望ましいでしょう。はい。ええと、でもご存知のように、私は何年にもわたって消費者レポートを行ってきました。お金を盗んでまったく答えない人がたくさんいるので、文字通り何度か落胆しました。
これで、投資詐欺師になることができます。ちなみに、それが面倒な場合でも、心配する必要はありません。 50%のリターンを約束して実行してください。今、あなたの犠牲者は明らかにそれについて心配する必要があります、あなたがあなた自身のお金で50%を稼ぐことができるならば、なぜあなたは彼らを必要とするのですか?しかし、それが彼らに起こらないことを心配しないでください。
ミランダマーキット: [00:05:08]実は、これは、つまり、この時点で明らかにすべてが間違っているということです。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:05:14]そして、あなたは大学に行きましたか?なぜあなたは生計を立てるために働いているのですか
ミランダマーキット: [00:05:17]ロンダ?わかりません。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:05:36]あなたは私が本当に見ているものを知っています、あなたとあなたにとっても本当に良い儲かるものです。
アーロンフリーマン: [00:06:38]オーラ、息子、月の星座はすべて揃っています。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:06:41]まだ行きます。私
アーロンフリーマン: [00:06:42]そのために非常に良いお金を払いました。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:06:44]クルーズ船で誰かが私のところに来て、「あなたに触れてもいいですか?」と言ってもらいました。あなたは私が今まで見た中で最も素晴らしいオーラを持っています。それは本当だ。どこ
アーロンフリーマン: [00:06:52]彼らはあなたに触れましたか?
ステイシージョンソン: [00:06:54]ああ、そして私の妻、私は人々のグループと一緒に滞在していました。
ミランダマーキット: [00:07:10]ええと、ええと、私は一度話をしました、ええと、帰り道、ちょうど、ええと、2000年の直後。ええと、2008年のクラッシュ、2008年、2009年のクラッシュ。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:08:28]壊れた時計でも正しいです。 1日2回ですよね?
ミランダマーキット: [00:08:30]そうそう。そうそう。それで、ええと、それはそうでした、しかしそれは面白かったです。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:08:35]ええ。だから、大丈夫。第三に、子供であろうとイルカであろうと、非営利団体を始めましょう。動物や苦しんでいるあらゆる種類の哺乳類の写真を人々に見せれば、彼らはあなたにいくらかのお金を渡すでしょう。不可解なことに、彼らはチェックアウトするのに数秒もかからずにこれを行います。このポッドキャストの冒頭で、destroyedのような非営利団体が教えてくれました。guidestar.orgやチャリティーナビゲーターなどの場所に行って、チャリティーをすばやくチェックできます。
右?つまり、彼が車を寄付した場合、オークションで10,000ドルで販売され、償却額は10,000ドルになります。しかし、当時は、その資産の価値を決定する必要がありました。つまり、あなたはこの慈善団体にヨットを寄付し、私のヨットは2,000万ドルだったと言います。 2,000万ドルの償却があります。
わかった。彼らは女性の避難所に50,000ドルを寄付しました。 2300万、2100万のうち、彼らはマーケティングに費やしました。これがキッカーです。さて、あなたはそうしなければなりません、あなたは言葉を出さなければなりません。タフ。さて、これがマーケティング会社を所有していたキッカー、チャリティーを所有していた男です。つまり、彼はあなたの慈善寄付を受け取り、営利目的のマーケティング会社で自分自身に寄付し、50グランドを女性の避難所に寄付していました。
私がこれを始めたとき、あなたは時々あなたが正直な生活のために働いて、あなたが何をしているのか疑問に思う必要があると言って始めました。素晴らしいです。それは素晴らしい話です。うん。私はこれを本当に長い間やってきたので、このような話はたくさんあります。 4番目に行きましょう。これまでに気に入ったものを聞いたことがない場合は、4番目はどうですか?
対象は脂肪燃焼パンツでした。だから、基本的にはこれらのズボンをはいて、寝ている間に体重が減ります。それで、私がしたことは、減量の研究を専門としている大学の医者に行ったことです。そして、私は彼女を必要としません。正確な単語を覚えるのにスクリプトは必要ありません。 25年前、体重を減らすには2つの方法があります。
アーロンフリーマン: [00:12:55]おそらくそれをあなたがするのとまったく同じように扱ってください、ええと、最初のもの、あなたは投資の第一人者に言及しました、一方、ええと、あなたはダイエット計画のように出し、あなたはそこにダイエット計画をバグに出しました、ご存知のとおり、50人です。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:13:22]そうですね。いいでしょうあなたは絶対にできました。そして、ええ、それはただ素晴らしいです。これでうまくいきます。
アーロンフリーマン: [00:15:06]ああ、もっとだと思った。背中に熱い石を置くようなものだと思った。
ミランダマーキット: [00:15:09]いや、いや、いや、いや。それは私のマッサージのためにリラックスすることと呼ばれています。それはリラックスマッサージと呼ばれています
ステイシージョンソン: [00:15:16]サンプル。真正面から、ええと、それをアスピリンと呼びましょう。何だったのかわかりません。それは実際に頭痛を治すものでした。わかった。しかし、それはこの程度に希釈されており、私は今誇張していません。
アーロンフリーマン: [00:15:46]それは、ええと、FDAの承認を得る必要がないところまで希釈されているからです。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:15:52]いいえ、ホメオパシー医学は、1800年に誰かが思いついたものにすぎません。そして何人かの人々はただそれを誓います。だから今あなたたちはホメオパシー医学が何であるかを学びました。わかった。だから今。これが今この製品です。この製品だけでなく、この製品も非常に宣伝されていたので、私たちが行って言及する主要なドラッグストアチェーンの1つですが、あなたは間違いなく彼らが誰であるかを知っています。
ええ、彼らはそれの彼ら自身の一般的なバージョンをしました。だから私はこのドラッグストアにこの製品を持って立っていますが、それはまったく意味がありません。そして、それは7 99のような費用がかかり、そのすぐ隣には一般的なバージョンがありますが、これも明らかにまったく意味がありません。それで私は連邦取引委員会に電話しました。そして、私は言った、どうすれば製品を許可できますか?
アーロンフリーマン: [00:17:05]それは資本主義です
ステイシージョンソン: [00:17:06]うん。つまり、それは今真実です。これが私の最後の1つです。
アーロンフリーマン: [00:19:13]ここフロリダで男。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:19:14]そういう人がたくさんいます。うん。世界のスカムバッグの首都。だから今。皆さんが仕事をやめ、正直な生活を送り、不正な生活を始めるための6つの方法をお話ししました。
ミランダマーキット: [00:19:30]だからあなたは気をつけなければなりません。それで、ええと、まず第一に、ここで何が起こっているのかについての健全な懐疑論者です。つまり、私たちが知ったように、つまり、人々が「ねえチャリティー、このチャリティー」のようになっているときは本当に難しいのです。ですから、私は私がやったことの1つです。
アーロンフリーマン: [00:21:05]それは本当に心理学を演じています。じゃないですか?つまり、それは人々がしていることです。つまり、あなたがたくさんの燃料を提供するなら、あなたは彼らに無料でサービスを提供するということです。
のようなものを手に入れましたステイシージョンソン: [00:21:17]それ、分かりますか?さて、ミランダに聞いてみましょう。そして確かにこれは素晴らしい例であり、私はこの全体、ええと、証言のこと、ええと、またはレビューについて考えていませんでした。アマゾンで商品を見ていて、レビューをよく読んでいるとしたらどうでしょう。
ミランダマーキット: [00:21:41]ゴミ?ええと、そうですよね?何かが持っているレビューが多ければ多いほど、ええと、それらの多くが合法である可能性が高くなり、私が本当に好きなものや本当にひどいものについて合法的なレビューを書きました。
アーロンフリーマン: [00:22:17]ここにも足を踏み入れます。ええと、YouTubeはレビューのための素晴らしいリソースです。つまり、それはナンバーワンのプラットフォームに最も似ているということです。通常、製品を購入する人は誰でも、それについてYouTubeにレビューを残します。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:22:32]より多くの、のために、ええと、高価なもの、それは明らかにより重要です。そして、それが
アーロンフリーマン: [00:22:36]たくさんのことがあります。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:23:17]には同じブランドがありました。
アーロンフリーマン: [00:23:19]販売されていた実際のツールにはブランドがありませんでしたが、写真の1つには、ブランドが付いた元のツールの写真が含まれていました。そして、メーカーのウェブサイトに行きました。彼らのホームページのフロントページ。それは人々が私たちのツールである私たちの模造品を売ろうとしているところだと言っています。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:23:38]うわー。
ミランダマーキット: [00:23:51]それで、文書化された証拠に気をつけてください、ええと、私たちはいつもそれを聞いています。右。ええと、彼らが話しているのは、プルーフと彼らですが、多くの場合、彼らはPhotoshopを使用できます。
ステイシージョンソン: [00:24:21]それ。うん。うん。私は実際にその正確なことをしました。つまり、私は持っていました、ええと、私はそれらの1つに行きました。
$ 500,000まで。とにかくそれが何だったか忘れました。それで彼は翌日私に電話をしました、そして彼は本当にあなたが彼女のダウンラインにいることを望んでいます。あなたはそれを考慮すべきです。私は、まあ、あなたは何を知っているのですか?あなたは昨夜、その部屋にいるすべての人々に、200人があなたと同じくらいのお金を稼ぐことができると約束しましたが、あなたのダウンラインには、50万ドルを稼ぐために非常に多くの人々がいます。
ミランダマーキット: [00:25:09]そしてあなたは保証に気をつけなければなりません。右。多くの人が返金保証と言っているように、彼らだけですが、何かが消えても保証はありません。
右。 So, uh, so yeah, I mean, one of the things that, um, that we, that we found that was very interesting is. Oh, my son wanted to order a 3d printer a couple of years ago and found a website that, you know, it was around Christmas time and he found a website that was offering them for like, just really discounted price, like 30 bucks.
And he was like, yeah, let’s, uh, he’s like, I want to, I want to get the 3d printer from this place. I’m like, well, I don’t know. And he’s like, but there’s a guarantee I’m like, I still don’t know. Um, paid the 30 bucks. The thing never came a couple of weeks later. Uh, you know, you wouldn’t go back to try to find that website again, gone.
So website doesn’t even exist. The guarantee was useless. Uh, we all learned a valuable lesson.
Stacy Johnson: [00:26:04] No, actually that’s a funny Miranda too, because we sell courses. We sell retirement course. We sell a course called money, made simple, you know, but point being, we have a money back guarantee. And if you don’t like this course.
You can actually still keep it, you know, really, but we’ll give your money back. No questions asked and we literally do. And it’s so frustrating because no one believes me because they’re getting ripped off so many times by people promising, you know, money back guarantee. Well, you know, but I actually am a legitimate businessman who will actually give you your money back, but it doesn’t do any good because nobody believes it.
Miranda Marquit: [00:26:36] Yeah. Well, and I think, and that’s part of the issue, right? Is it’s like, well, the guarantee, like you said is Al is only as good as the company. Right? And so you, you operate this, a trusted website it’s been around since like the nineties. And so, um, you know, it’s, it’s something, you know, you can kind of see that.
Um, so here’s where we start getting into things that sound a little bit too good. To be true. Uh, so things like, okay. Um, haste. So if people are like, this deal is only good for X amount of time, um, you know, trying to, trying to like, get you to just push into something, you know, you’re going to miss this opportunity, uh, this, this playing on this FOMO.
And so that’s pretty much, you know, forcing you into this quick decision where you’re not taking time to think about it. And like, this is your only thing. Um, So, yeah. So that’s part of the issue there. Um, especially when you’re looking at, um, a lot of these investment things, right? It’s like, oh, well, get in on the ground floor.
If you don’t do this, you’re going to miss out. You know? Um,
Stacy Johnson: [00:27:40] and when I was a stockbroker, the best salesman where people would go like this, it, the bus is leaving, get on it, don’t get on it. I don’t give it to him, but it’s leaving. And these are people who that’s how you close people.右。 And you know, my motto is this or a mantra.
Is this the faster you talk? The slower I listen. The more you push the harder it’s going to be for you to close me, because I I’m suspicious of anybody who says you better do it now, or you’ll never have another chance.
Miranda Marquit: [00:28:06] Yeah. The only thing you have to watch out for is, um, uh, P people. Um, charging you for things like, let me help you get a government grant for your small business.
Let me help you. Uh, let me help you apply for student loan, forgiveness, all of those things. Um, you know, they may not be like outright scams, but there are things that you don’t have to pay for because the information is readily available. On government websites, you can go to the sba.gov website and they will literally say the federal government does not provide grants for starting expanding businesses.
So there’s that part of it. But then if you want to get an SBA loan, you don’t actually have to have somebody else do that for you. The same as when I worked, uh, at student loan hero, uh, one of the most common things we got were people saying like, oh, should I pay somebody to help me with public service loan forgiveness?
Should I, uh, pay for somebody to help me, uh, with these teacher loan forgiveness programs? Like. All of these government programs that are forgiveness programs, um, and people would be like, you know, charging like, well, we’re going to charge you a thousand dollars. Uh, but then you’re going to get this forgiveness.
So it’s going to be worth it. And it’s like, no, you can actually do all of this without having somebody else do it for you. And you can find the information. And you don’t have to watch out that too. Another thing you have to watch out for, uh, is tax related stuff. A lot of people are like, Hey, there’s a special government tax credit.
Uh, you know, we’ll help you get it. Um, and that’s, you know, there are government tax credits, but they’re not usually special. And they, uh, so there’s a lot of stuff you really have to think about, um, before you move forward. And if somebody says, uh, they’re going to help you get something from the government, that’s a really good way to run away.
If somebody is like, you know, because either it’s fake or it’s something you can do on your own without having to
Stacy Johnson: [00:29:55] the government grants, government does not give you free money for your business period.右。 It does not happen. And I actually, not two months ago, a friend of mine is trying to start a business, sent me a text saying like, do you think it’s cutting edge companies legitimate?
They said for $2,000, they’ll help me get a a hundred thousand dollar grant from the government. And I’m like, Nope. And he was, how do you know? I mean, because I responded instantly, I said, because I know you don’t even think about it. Not possible. I don’t even have to look and oh, by the way, here’s another one too, that I’ve experienced personally several different times.
Um, credit repair, you give somebody 600 bucks. I get to fix your credit score. Well, honestly, I’ve had three different friends of mine, friends of mine. They know I’m a consumer reporter. I’ve written five books and they’re like, yo, Stacy, they say you can fix my credit. Well, Nope. Nope. They, the only thing they could do was things you could do yourself, and they’re not going to fail.
They’re not going to raise your credit score by 150 points in a week, unless they’re doing something fraudulent, like for example, um, challenging every bad mark on your credit history, which then has to be removed by the credit reporting agency. And while they investigate it. So during that time you could apply for credit because nothing bad on your history.
Well, that’s fraud, it’s illegal. Uh, and so, you know, but I’d tell people exactly what I’m talking to you now. This is wrong. It is fraud. It will not work. You will be ripped off and I’ll be damned if they don’t do it anyway.
Miranda Marquit: [00:31:18] Yeah.うん。 I have to watch out for, um, you have to watch out for, for people who are giving you what sounds like really weird dubious advice on Tik TOK and Twitter.
One of the big things early in 2021 was a LLC Twitter LLC. Tick-tock where they were just like, here’s how I’m going to show you how to start an LLC. And then you can pay for all of your personal expenses with the LLC and not pay taxes. It’s like, no. None of this is how any of this works y’all so the only people like, I mean, you know, so, so you have to watch out for that kind of stuff.
Um, you know, when, when people, uh, you know, you kind of alluded to it in, in your section, we were talking about ways to make money fast. If somebody’s telling you. How there’s a magic formula that you can hack into to avoid paying taxes or something like that. A runaway as fast as you can. Yes,
Stacy Johnson: [00:32:17] I did this story.
わかった。 25, 28 years ago. One of the first stories I did when I moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, um, was every year stomach consumer guy. Right? So every year I’m doing the tax story, you know, I used to stand out by the mailbox at midnight, you know, and all that.ともかく。 So every year I would say like, here’s some, here’s some tips, uh, you’re going to hear this, that you don’t have to pay taxes because it’s not constitutional.
わかった。 So I go to the IRS. I’m like, would you comment on this? I said, Nope, tired of it. Tired of commenting on this. If you don’t pay your taxes, you’re going to go to jail period. Um, you know, cause every year some idiot puts up on the internet, you know, you don’t have to pay income taxes, it’s illegal. The government should have did it, blah, blah, blah.
And it’s all, it’s all BS.はい。 You do have to pay taxes. And if you don’t you’ll get arrested, you’ll ultimately you could go to jail. So, you know, just believe believing stuff like that. It’s nice. It’d be great. If there was some reason you didn’t have to pay taxes, some loophole, but guess what? There isn’t.
Miranda Marquit: [00:33:14] Uh, and I think one of the things to really, uh, think about too, while you’re going through here is, um, you know, uh, you can, if there’s something that doesn’t seem quite right. So, I mean, you always do that. You know, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. You got to trust your gut there. One of the things you can do is do a search for is.
Blah-blah-blah a rip-off or something like that. And that will help you kind of see what other people said about it. Help you find scams. I had a friend recently send me this, this deal website. That’s like ridiculous travel for, you know, like five nights in a five-star Hawaii hotel for $497. And, um, so I was like, well, I don’t know.
I mean, there are some like really good ways to like travel cheap and everything, but you start looking into it. And you realize that, okay, it may not be a complete and utter scam, but you don’t get to choose your hotel. You’re going to, you might not actually get a five star hotel. You start reading the reviews, you start reading the things.
And realize like you, you know, there are a bunch of blocked out dates. You have to, you know, make your reservations 12 months in advance. Like it’s a whole thing. And so you have to read that fine print. You have to know those terms and conditions, uh, and doing a quick search to say is something a scam can help you figure that out as
Stacy Johnson: [00:34:35] well.
And, uh, you know, I, I just thought of this, but I would bet you that the biggest rip off of the entire modern world. Is ULAs E U L is end user licensing agreements. Every single one of us has signed one of these damn things to use Facebook, to get an iPhone. And then they are 30 pages long. None of us ever read them.
And what happened? All of our personal information got harvested. And if that’s not one of the biggest rip offs in the world, I don’t know what is, I think that’s a
Miranda Marquit: [00:35:04] really good point because the idea is, is right. If something is free, you’re probably the product like, right. Like you’re, you’re being sold, your data is being sold.
Something, something that that’s valuable to you as being sold. Um, and you kind of, I mean, and we do, like you said, we all live in that. That world where it’s like, well, we want the apps. We want the connection we want to, we want the convenience. I mean, to a certain degree, it’s like, I’m not going to lie. I like the convenience of having my devices all connected.
I like having a, you know, everything up there and, um, as weird and creepy as it is sometimes to get the ads that I’m getting, sometimes the ad is like, oh yeah, that’s exactly what I need right now. As a
Stacy Johnson: [00:35:46] consumer reporter, there’s been so many times when I’ve stood on television and you’ve heard this a million times.
Every reporter at the end of their story to get your book. Be sure and read the fine print folks, you know, when you’re buying a house or when you’re getting a phone you’ll blah, blah. That’s such a cop out. Wait. No, no, one’s reading that. I mean, I actually do read the stuff when I buy a house, but most people don’t even do that.
Or, you know, a note about a car lease or, or even a cell phone contract. I don’t know what they look like now, because it’s been a long time. So I signed him up, but there’s, you know, they’re 10,000 words long and you know, nobody’s reading that and for a reporter to sit there, you know, or attorney or whoever, sit there, go be sure to read the fine print.
Well, it’s just bull. No, one’s going to do it. And, and that’s why they make them so long.
Miranda Marquit: [00:36:25] Yeah, exactly.うん。 Nobody’s yeah. Nobody wants to read that and they do make them long and you really kind of are. Um, yeah. It’s, uh, it’s really interesting. So, yeah, but, uh, yeah, but I think in the end, you know, the best thing you can do is really kind of say, okay, this seems too good to be true.
それは何ですか? And then kind of go from there.
Stacy Johnson: [00:36:48] Yeah. Just listen to your inner voice. You know, if you listen to your inner voice and don’t let other people try to talk you into things, which obviously is easier said than done, you’re going to be a lot better off. And, you know, can I add one more thing before we leave this topic too?
My whole life has been spent my adult life, you know, talking about debt and doing consumer news. I’m preaching to the choir almost exclusively. In other words, if you’re listening to this podcast, odds are, you know, a lot of the stuff I’m talking about, the people who let me give you an example. When I wrote life, her debt, my book, and had to get out of debt.
I have copies of it at my house and I’m handing it to all my friends. And the people who were do did not need this book at all. We’ll call the next day and they’ll go, God, that was a great book. I read two hours a week and the people who really need it, the kind of people who were paying money to have their credit score raised, never read it at all.
So a lot of we do is preach to the choir. And the reason I’m mentioning this is because if you’re, if you are listening to this podcast and if all this stuff already does ring true to you and you didn’t need to sort of help. You need to help other people because they’re not going to listen to podcasts.
The people who need this the most are going to ignore it. So you need to help that elderly person in your neighborhood or that person who thinks the world is flat. I mean, in other words, people who are not as informed as you are, are not going to listen to this podcast, they’re not going to read these articles.
So you need to help them. Because helping other people is the shortest path to heaven or Nirvana of a holler wherever you want to call it. So do your, just tell them, listen, this podcast, if you have somebody who’s about to make a stupid move or, or help them yourself, but do help them.
Aaron Freeman: [00:38:27] I want to pipe in here with, uh, I think the number one thing that scams that people need to really be diligent about is, uh, emails.
And an example would be, uh, let’s say you go to your bank all the time and you signed up for notifications from your bank. So your bank gives you an email saying, Hey, you know, letting you know this happened, uh, click here. Um, your information. A lot of it is already on the dark web and there’s a lot of bots out there in AI that can easily.
Create that same email and give you another email saying, Hey, click here to log into your bank. My advice is whatever you do, no matter what email you get, it’s great to have the email notifications. Email is awesome, but never, ever, ever click your links in the email. If you sign up for something and it says, verify your email, that’s fine.
You know, cause it just popped on. But if something’s asking you for a login. Never click
Stacy Johnson: [00:39:23] it. That’s great
Aaron Freeman: [00:39:23] advice. Always go to the source, always go to your actual website that has the HTT P S with the S of the end. Cause that means it’s a secure website. Um, and, and, and always log in that way
Stacy Johnson: [00:39:36] when in doubt scope it out.
But before we we’re, we’re running long today, but we, and we have a few questions.
Miranda Marquit: [00:39:42] All right, I’ll go ahead and start with Eddie. Eddie asks. Is there any way to find out if my ex is collecting on my social security, she is not exactly the most honest person. In the world.
Stacy Johnson: [00:39:54] That’s pretty funny actually gotten this question.
And before the answer, your question is yes, you can find out, you can just ask the social security administration. They can tell you the name of any they’re called exhilarated beneficiaries, including your ex-wife. Uh, who’s drawing her has drawn benefits on your earnings record. Now they can’t tell you if she’s applied is not drawing.
So in other words, if she’s taking some of your, if she’s. Uh, getting from money from your social security, you can find out, uh, you can find out to date. They became entitled to benefits. You can find out what the benefit they’re getting. You can find out whether their benefits have ended, but the main thing I want to tell you here is this.
It doesn’t matter. A former spouse collecting benefits on your record has no impact whatsoever on the amount of your own retirement benefit. And that’s based entirely in what you’ve earned and when you file for social security. So do not worry if your ex wife is collecting on your social security matters.
Not at all to you. That’s the main, that’s the main thing I want to tell you there also don’t you have to be married
Aaron Freeman: [00:40:51] for like 10 years before that. Yes
Stacy Johnson: [00:40:53] you do. Yes, you do.うん。
Miranda Marquit: [00:40:54] So I could actually, uh, you know, look at the benefits situation and then decide if I wanted to, uh, draw based on my husband’s. Uh, my ex-husband’s earnings if I wanted.
Um, and you know, it’s a, it’s a calculation that, you know, you might want to do if you are the ex uh, kind of think about that. I’m sure. By the time I get to the point of drawing social security, um, my benefits will probably be more, so I’ll probably be looking to see if he’s drawing. So it’s
Stacy Johnson: [00:41:24] natural to think that if somebody is drawing on yours, you’re going to get less.
I mean, it sounds like they’re taking out of your account, but they’re really not. They’re not, you’re not worried.
Aaron Freeman: [00:41:33] Yeah, my wife’s waiting for 10 years and she’s going to drop me. Look ahead.
Stacy Johnson: [00:41:40] What’s next. We got any more questions. Yes, we do.
Miranda Marquit: [00:41:42] This. One’s from dune. Buggy says help. My husband is going to be 71, this July and his last day of work is the end of June. We’re about $24,000 in the bank. Not making any, any interest. I keep hearing about putting our money into gold and silver to fend off inflation.
I know we don’t have much, but is this a good idea, please help also. Oh my gosh.
Stacy Johnson: [00:42:01] So, okay, so go ahead and then you see this in
Miranda Marquit: [00:42:04] yourself. Oh my gosh.うん。 Um, so, well, first of all, um, I hope that, uh, you’ve, you’re both looking at where you, what you can draw on social security benefits. Uh, the 20 4k is probably not going to provide, um, a lot in terms of.
Of of returns. Um, I would be wary of putting something into gold and silver or something. That’s not very liquid, especially if you don’t have, um, any other liquid assets. So, I mean, I, I don’t, I don’t know much about the situation. I don’t know. Like, do you have IRA? You know, do you have like an IRA? Do you have a 401k?
Do you have a pension? You know, do you have, like, where, where are you getting your cashflow from? Uh, if it’s just the 24 K in the bank, um, and you don’t have any. Other like liquid assets to try and, you know, help help you out. Uh, it was putting something in something as illiquid, as gold and silver, uh, to fend off inflation is not, uh, really going to help a lot also.
Um, it’s worth noting that in a lot of cases, gold is not quite the, um, The hedge against inflation that many people, uh, think it is. So, um, I would consider some other options. Um, we’ll get some, you know, you’re going to need to take a step back, look at all of your sources of income from social security to any other accounts you might have.
Um, if it’s just 24 K in the bank and that’s basically your emergency fund and you have other sources of income, there’s nothing wrong with having something. In the bank, not making interest, if you know what that purpose is. And if that purpose is emergency purposes and you want to be able to access that, um, in a pinch, um, then, you know, leaving it, there might not be terrible.
So, but it really kind of depends on what else you got going on.うん。 Well, I’m assuming
Stacy Johnson: [00:43:55] anything else going on by what they said, but I mean, the bottom line is if this is all the money you’ve got in the world, this is your emergency fund. And, and we’ve covered this topic before. I mean, unfortunately, Hey, I get it.
I’ve got a ton of money in his bank account earning nothing, but what do you know what? Oh, well, I can’t help it. I can’t expose that mechanics pose all of my savings to risk. Uh, and so, you know, it’s just, you just have to wait for interest rates to go up, but, but don’t start casting about for dumb things like gold and silver, when you’ve only got 24 grand
Miranda Marquit: [00:44:23] total.
うん。うん。 It just, yeah.うん。 You really need to look at your full financial picture and, and where, where that money is coming from, that you’re planning on using to cover your costs, your living expenses.
Stacy Johnson: [00:44:35] Yeah. Okay, last question.
Miranda Marquit: [00:44:37] All right. This is from Christine. My question is regarding cost basis methods.
I bought an ETF two different times the first time at a much lower price than the second time. Now I want to sell some isn’t it logical that I should sell off the more expensive socks first, if that is possible, is that HFO highest in first out? Um, so. Uh, yeah. So let’s go ahead and talk about that a little
Stacy Johnson: [00:45:00] bit.
わかった。 That’s that’s real easy. Cause these are easy terms for me because I’m an accountant. Uh, it’s called FIFO in life of, and first out last in first out, FIFO LIFO. Um, and basically when you buy a stock, if you don’t, if you just sell. Then the IRS assumes that you’re using FIFO firsthand first out. So in, in Christine’s case, she bought a much lower price.
The first time she bought, if she just puts in an order to sell, then her broker’s firm is required to sell the first. So the first dock she bought. Now in her case that could obviously produce, uh, a higher tax burden. So what she wants to do is she wants us to do life. Oh, she wants to do last in first out the most recent purchases have few, have the less gain.
Now, one thing to remember though, well, let me finish explaining that though, if you want to do life. Oh, you can. But what you need to do, Christina, is she to call your brokerage firm. And you need to say, I need this to be designated life and they need to send you something in writing saying it’s going to be life.
ああ。 So you can show that to the IRS if you need to.わかった。 Now, one thing I want you to consider to the remember that you also have long-term capital gains versus short term capital gains long-term capital gains are taxed at a lower, a lower rate maximum of 20% and probably lower if you’re in a, if you’re, unless you’re in a really high tax bracket.
So you to get that long-term capital gain treatment, you’ve got to hold that stock for a year. So look at, look at the ramifications. If you have short term capital gain it’s tax at your normal income tax rate, right? You’re no more bracket. So look at your, if they’re both long-term you definitely want to do life on it, but if one of them’s long-term short-term you got to compare the tax implications of that as well.
Did that make sense? Did I explain that? Well, Miranda.
Miranda Marquit: [00:46:43] Yeah, I think so. And that’s, that’s the thing is because, uh, you’ll want to, you’ll want to talk to a tax professional or a CPA, you know, who is like Stacy, uh, before you do something like this, because you do want to make sure I’m sure it is the smaller gain.
If you have a smaller gain, that may be great, but if it’s a short-term capital gain and you end up having to pay at your marginal tax rate, you may not be saving as much. You may not be saving money, so you want to make sure. And that you also have that whole situation happening too. And thinking about that, um, and before
Stacy Johnson: [00:47:20] you move forward, cool, well done.
And that’s concludes our podcast for the day. Um, so guys, we are at a time, but we’re never out of topic. Dig a little deeper. You’re going to find links to lots more info in our show notes. Lot of the stuff we talked about is in there. And remember, if your goal is to make more, to spend less to retire rich, your online home is money talks, news.com.
And don’t forget to check out Miranda’s online home as well. That is Miranda Mark Witt, Mir Q U I T. Dot com. If you’ve got a question, comment or topic, you’d like to suggest. Tell us email said hello at money talks, news.com. Hello at money talks, news.com. One last thing. If you appreciate what we do that do something for us.
Subscribe to this podcast takes you two seconds. Really helps us though. So if you like a show us and subscribe, I’m Stacy Johnson. And I’m
Miranda Marquit: [00:48:14] Miranda, Margaret
Aaron Freeman: [00:48:15] and I’m Erin Freeman. Please send to my nonprofit.
Stacy Johnson: [00:48:19] Thanks for hanging out for this guys. We’ll see you right here. Next time. 。