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経費の在庫を確認してください。 お金を節約する方法を見つける前に、まずどこでお金を使っているかを正確に理解する必要があります。これには予算の設定が含まれます。これについては、以下の戦略#10で説明します。

最初に最大の経費を削減することを優先します。 あなたはおそらく「80/20」の法則に精通しているでしょう。あなたの進歩の80%はあなたの活動の20%から来ると考えられています。それはお金を節約することにも当てはまります。最大の経費を削減すると、最大の節約になります。だからこそ、私たちはお金を節約するためのトップ11の最大の方法でリストを始めました。それらのいくつかを実装すれば、お金を節約することはあなたが思っているよりも簡単で、より自動的になるでしょう。

次に、「簡単な勝利」を探します。 最大の費用でお金を節約する方法を見つけるだけでなく、見逃しがちな購入やサービスを排除することで、支出を削減できることがよくあります。これには、不要になったサブスクリプションの削減が含まれる場合があります。それは、多くの節約につながる可能性のある一連の経費を削減することです。

貯金を積み重ねます。 これはすべてあなたの貯蓄を自動化することです。つまり、恒久的にお金を節約する方法を探します。これを行うには、借金を低金利のローンに借り換えたり、保険費用を削減したり、さらにはよりインテリジェントにお金を投資したりします。

ニュース速報:請求書の交渉が可能です! 多くの場合、さまざまなサービスの低コストを交渉することが可能です。誰もが交渉プロセスに満足しているわけではありません。特に、担当者が「いいえ」と言うようにプログラムされているサービスプロバイダーの場合はそうです。心配無用!交渉を処理するRecoupというアプリがあります。これらは、1,000を超えるプロバイダーと100万のマーチャントからの銀行、クレジットカード、およびサブスクリプションのコストを削減するのに役立ちます。サービスプロバイダーをアプリに接続するだけで、Recoupが機能します。これにより、交渉の仕事全体が簡単になります。





例: 月額100ドルの費用を削減すると、1,200ドルになり、収入を生み出す投資口座に移動できます。株式と債券の組み合わせに30年以上投資すると、年平均7%で、月額100ドルの節約は117,000ドル以上に増える可能性があります。












現在、$ 400,000の住宅ローンで$ 500,000で購入した5,000平方フィートの家に住んでいると仮定します。簡単にするために、両方の数値が引き続き適用されると仮定します。

30年ローンの3.50%の金利で、住宅ローンの支払いは月額$ 1,796です。固定資産税に月額800ドル、住宅所有者保険に月額200ドルを想定すると、月々の支払い総額は2,796ドルになります。


20%の頭金($ 60,000)で、$ 240,000の住宅ローンがあります。 30年ローンの3.50%で、月々の支払いは$ 1,077になります。固定資産税が月額500ドル、住宅所有者保険が月額100ドルだとすると、月々の支払い総額は1,677ドルになります。

$ 300,000の家の月額費用は、$ 500,000の家よりも月額$ 1,119低くなります。

純資産を増やす方法: これは年間13,428ドルです。また、$ 300,000の家に支払わなかった追加の$ 40,000が、キャッシュフローと将来の貯蓄に与える影響についても考慮していません。また、小さな家に住むことで得られる光熱費と維持費の削減もありません。

さあ、少しおかしくなりましょう。この戦略に従い、年間貯蓄の$ 13,428を投資口座に投資して平均年間収益率7%を支払うとすると、30年後には$ 1,316,024になります。

次に行うこと: オンライン住宅鑑定ツールを使用して販売と小型化のプロセスを開始することにより、住宅の価値を理解します。




純資産を増やす方法: 2年前に、30年の住宅ローンを4.5%で300,000ドルで購入したとします。あなたの家の支払いの現在の元金と利息の部分は月額$ 2,026です。

ただし、同じローンを現在のレート(約3.50%の傾向)で借り換えることができる場合は、その支払いを月額$ 1,796に下げることができます。




次に行うこと: 最高の住宅ローンの貸し手からのレートを比較し、資格がある場合は、今日現在の住宅ローンを借り換えます。


たばこのコストだけでも、たばこはお金を節約するための豊富な源になります。 CDCによると、米国全体でたばこが1パックあたり平均約7.65ドルであることを考えると、1日1パックの習慣では、年間2,792ドルの節約になります。



生命保険の場合、状況はさらに劇的になります。 30歳の場合の50万ドルの20年定期生命保険の費用は、非喫煙者の場合は月額$ 20.88ですが、喫煙者の場合は$ 77です。これは、月額56ドル、または年額672ドル以上の差です。



純資産を増やす方法: 3つの数値を合計すると、タバコの費用は2,792ドル、健康保険料が高い場合は2,400ドル、生命保険料が高い場合は672ドルになり、喫煙習慣の合計費用は年間5,864ドルになります。

これは、今後30年間、毎年IRAへの寄付に十分な資金を提供するのにほぼ十分です。そのお金がタバコの習慣ではなくIRAに寄付された場合、30年間で$ 574,700以上に成長し、平均年間収益率7%で投資されます。

次に行うこと: あなたの生命保険会社と健康保険会社で承認された禁煙プログラムをチェックして、今日やめましょう。

4。 HSAを開く



おそらく、高額の自己負担費用に対処するための唯一の最善の方法は、医療貯蓄口座(HSA)を開設することです。 2020年の場合、独身の場合は最大3,550ドル、家族の場合は最大7,100ドルをプランに寄付できます。


  • プランへの寄付は、IRAの寄付と同様に、税控除の対象となります。
  • 自己負担の医療費を口座から支払うことができます。これにより、確定申告でこれらの費用を明細化する必要がなくなります(ほとんどの人はとにかく資格がありません)。
  • HSAを使用すると、自己負担の医療費を効果的に予算化できます。これは、一度に数千ドルを実行し、予算を完全に混乱させる可能性があります。
  • IRAと同様に、HSAアカウントは証券口座に保持され、成長のために投資することができます。
  • これらの収益も非課税で累積されます。

純資産を増やす方法: HSA拠出金の税控除だけでもかなりの額になる可能性があります。家族プランに年間7,100ドルを寄付し、22%の連邦所得税の範囲内にいる場合、所得税だけで年間1,562ドル節約できます。





次に行うこと: 銀行または信用組合でHSAアカウントを開設するか、寄付のほとんどまたはすべてを投資する予定の場合は、ブローカーでアカウントを開設します。フィデリティインベストメンツは最大の投資ブローカーの1つであり、HSAアカウントを提供しています。






純資産を増やす方法: 30年間7%で年間4,641ドルの追加投資を行うとすると、454,85​​1ドルになります。

次に行うこと: ケリーブルーブックのような評価サイトで現在の車をどれだけ売ることができるかを調べてから、どれだけの車を購入して買い物をすることができるかを計画します。








純資産を増やす方法: 利息で年間2,000ドルを節約し、年間7%で投資できる場合、30年後には196,022ドルになります。ただし、貯蓄を投資する前に、クレジットカードの残高を完全に完済することをお勧めします。

次に行うこと: ベスト0%APRおよび残高移行クレジットカードをチェックして、利息の支払いをなくしてください。



穀物に逆らい、はるかに高いレートを支払う銀行を見つけることで、はるかにうまくいくことができます。 2.00%もの高金利を支払い、完全にFDICの保険に加入しているオンライン銀行があります。それは本当にあなたがあなたの貯蓄を持っている必要があるところです。

純資産を増やす方法: 流動性のある貯蓄が$ 20,000あり、現在、地元の銀行で0.07%を稼いでいるとします。 30年後、20,423ドルになります。


これは、銀行を変更するためだけに追加の$ 13,234です。それ以上に簡単になることはありません。

次に行うこと: 最高の高利回り普通預金口座をチェックして、今すぐより高い関心を獲得し始めてください。



純資産を増やす方法: クレジットカードに月額$ 2,000を請求するとします。これは、年額$ 24,000です。クレジットカードで2%のキャッシュバックを獲得できた場合(これはキャッシュバッククレジットカードの中でも例外ではありません)、年間480ドルのキャッシュバック特典を獲得できます。



次に行うこと: 最高のキャッシュバッククレジットカードのリストを確認し、自分の支出パターンに基づいて最もキャッシュバックが得られるカードを選択してください。




しかし、あなたが平均的な卒業生であり、33,000ドルの借金があるとしましょう。債務に対して支払う平均金利は、平均期間が15年のローンの場合は7%です。月々の支払いは$ 296です。


純資産を増やす方法: 新しい毎月の支払いの61ドルの削減(すべての利息)を新しいローンの金額に適用することにより、期間を15年から11年3か月に短縮します。これにより、ローンのバックエンドから$ 10,575が削減されます。

次に行うこと: 借り換えに最適な学生ローン会社をチェックして、現在の学生ローンの金利と毎月の支払いの両方を下げる機会を確認してください。




純資産を増やす方法: 補償範囲のニーズと、個人的な状況を考慮して何を優先する必要があるかに応じて、プレミアム料金で年間数百ドルを節約できます。そして、そのお金はあなたが毎月節約できるもののかなりの部分になる可能性があります。

次に行うこと: 国内で最高の自動車保険と最高の住宅所有者保険オプションをレビューするリストがあります。最初のステップはレートを比較することなので、それらの記事内で提供されているツールを使用してそれを行うことをお勧めします。





純資産を増やす方法: 実行可能な予算が整ったら、財政を管理できるようになります。たとえば、通常、月額5,000ドルを費やしているとします。予算があれば、全体的に経費を10%削減するという決定を下すことができます。これにより、1か月あたり500ドル、または1年あたり6,000ドル節約できます。


次に行うこと: あなたのために働く予算のアプリを選択してください。それを設定し、できるだけ早く実装して、この時点から予算の管理を開始できるようにします。完璧である必要もありません。途中で微調整して、さらに効果的にすることができます。












コンパクト蛍光灯は、私たちが約束したほどの寿命はありませんが、それでも白熱電球を1マイルも上回ります。また、白熱電球が必要とする電力の一部を使用するため、エネルギー料金を削減できます。もう少しお金を払ってLED電球を手に入れることもできます。 LED電球はCFLよりもエネルギー効率が高く、20年も持続します。














ほとんどの家族にとって、これらの3つのサービスは毎月大金に相当します。 1〜2か月にわたって使用状況を監視し、実際に必要なものと削減できるものを決定します。本当にプレミアムチャンネルを見ていますか?固定電話はほこりを集める以外のことをしていますか? Facebookとメールだけをチェックしている場合、インターネットはどれくらいの速さで必要ですか?











毎月のガソリン代が手に負えないと感じた場合は、キャッシュバッククレジットカードを使用して、ポンプで満タンになったときに最大5%を取り戻すことができます。また、Fuel Rewards Networkに参加して、満タンになるたびにお金を節約することもできます。










バスや地下鉄を利用すると、ガスの消費量が減り、車の摩耗が減るだけでなく、車の使用頻度が低くなるため、保険料が下がる可能性があります。 Though if you do insist on driving around, check out how to become an Uber driver and maybe you can pick up a few extra bucks to save all while driving around doing the things you have to!

Use travel rewards credit cards to save money on air travel

For business travelers, you should check out the best credit cards for airline miles. Not only will you rack up miles with your regular purchases, you will get double and triple miles for booking your travel through your card.

If your car is worth less than $2,000, drop collision and comprehensive coverage

One benefit to driving a jalopy is that you no longer need to have these types of coverage. It will cost you more to pay for collision and comprehensive coverage than you’d receive if you needed to make a claim. It can save you several hundred dollars per year. But just be sure you have enough money in savings to repair or replace your vehicle should that be necessary.

Increase car insurance your deductible

Raising your car insurance deductible from $250 to $1000 can save you as much as 15% on your premiums. Wait to take this step until you have a comfortable emergency fund, however, because it wouldn’t be good for your wallet to have to make a claim and have no way to pay the deductible.

Check for multi-policy discounts

If you have your car insurance with one carrier and your home or renter’s insurance with another, look to see if either will offer discounts for putting all of your policies under one umbrella.

Use coupon apps to shop

One of the simplest ways to save money at the grocery store is to download a coupon app like Ibotta or Checkout 51. These two apps allow you to select coupons and then, once you buy the items, you can scan your receipt and receive cash back for those purchases. It takes almost no time at all and the apps can be used at any store where the receipt prints out a description. The best part is you can use both apps on a single receipt so I have both on my phone.

Make meal plans

One of the biggest food budget busters is when you have no answer to the question “What’s for dinner?” Rather than get in the habit of ordering pizza or going out for fast food when you’re stumped by the dinner question—which is infinitely more expensive than cooking at home—get used to planning out your meals for the week or month.

Not only will this save you money on take out, but it will also put you in a good place to actually use all the food you buy at the grocery.

Make a grocery list and stick to it

Once you know what you plan to make for dinner each night of the week or month, make a grocery list based on your meal plans, and only buy what is on your grocery list! Meal planning ninjas can get to the point where they buy certain ingredients on sale to be used in multiple meals, but even just starting with meal plans and a list for the week will save you money. Having a specific list of items to buy can even combat the grocery mistake of shopping while hungry. It doesn’t matter how tempting the apricots jarred in honey may sound, if it’s not on the list, it’s easy to say no.

Cherry pick the grocery deals

As you get better at meal-planning and list-making habits, you can start using your local grocery chains’ loss leaders for bigger savings.

Each week, grocery stores publish their sales—and some of those advertised prices are so low that the store would be losing money if all the customers were to only buy the sale items. Making your meal plan with the grocery circular in hand will allow you to figure out what meals will be cheapest for you to make that week, based on each chain’s loss leaders.

Then, buy only those loss leaders at each grocery store, and get the rest of your ingredients at whatever supermarket generally offers the best prices. This turns grocery shopping into a much longer affair—it takes several hours to pore through the circulars, make your plans, and then go shopping at several different stores—but the savings are certainly worth the time.

Buy generic

With the exception of a few notable items (Pop-Tarts come to mind), most generic products are almost identical to their brand name counterparts. Do you buy Cheerios just because you always have? Try the Generic Os and see if they’re not exactly the same, for a fraction of the price.

Pay attention to unit costs

The one caveat about buying generic is that sometimes it actually is cheaper to buy the name brand. This is why you have to keep an eye on the unit cost of anything you buy at the grocery. The generic cans of soup selling 3 for $5 sound like a great deal, but the Campbell’s soup selling for $1.50 each is actually cheaper.

Most grocery stores offer a unit price listing, so that you can compare apples to apples (so to speak), but some do not. Get in the habit of carrying a calculator with you to the grocery store (or using the calculator function on your cell phone) to figure out what product gives you the biggest bang for your buck.

Buy in bulk, but be careful

This is a money saving tip that could potentially bite you in the butt. It is much cheaper to buy most items in bulk, from crackers to cereal to toothpaste to shampoo. However, some individuals (including yours truly) cannot handle the temptation of having a 144 count package of cookies in the house, and end up overspending on food that’s eaten far too quickly. So only purchase in bulk if it is something you know you can handle storing in your house before use. In my case, that means I buy cleaning and personal care items in bulk, and I buy a week’s (or at most a month’s) worth of food at a time.

Pay attention to expiration dates

I once bought a gallon of milk that soured before I got it home. We may have grand illusions about returning to the store and demanding a replacement or a refund, but I know that I never made it back to the store. It’s much easier to just keep a close eye on expiration dates as you put the items in your cart. Similarly, double check that the carton of eggs you’re choosing is free of cracked eggs, and that the cans you want are not dented, and everything in a jar is well sealed.

Speed up your grocery shopping

If you try to squeeze in your shopping between other appointments, then you’re more likely simply get the items on your list and go, rather than meander through the store and get tempted by unnecessary items.

Sign up for the free loyalty cards

Grocery stores offer loyalty cards that make you eligible for additional savings. If you’ve skipped the loyalty card in the past because you don’t want extra cards in your wallet (or on your keychain), now you have no excuse. Smartphone apps like Key Ring now make it possible for you to always carry your loyalty cards without having to keep track of yet another card.

Bring your own grocery bags

Not only is this better for the environment, but many stores will also offer you a small discount for every reusable bag you use. The discount may not be much—generally about 5¢ per bag—but even 50¢ saved with each trip to the grocery can add up. After all, you’d be thrilled to save 50¢ on any one item on your list.

Have a bi-monthly “clean out the pantry” week

We all have random cans and packages in our pantries, freezers, and fridges. Often, we end up throwing that food out later because we’ve forgotten about it until after it expired. Make sure you use up the food you’ve already purchased by planning a no-shopping week once every couple of months. That week, your mission will be to eat up all the food you already have without adding to the stockpile. This is a great time to practice some culinary creativity.

Brown bag your lunch

It’s easy to make a little extra food at dinner, and package up the leftovers for your next day’s lunch. Not only does it take care of those pesky leftovers that can sometimes just stay in the fridge until they become a science experiment, it’s also much cheaper than buying lunch every day. With an average fast food meal running around $8, you’ll spend $40 per week – or about $2,000 per year – just buying lunch! You can save at least $1,000 per year by cutting that have enhanced.

Even if you do not have leftovers from dinner, it’s relatively simple to put together a decent lunch for much cheaper than fast food:grab a hard boiled egg, an apple or a banana, a cheese stick, and a granola bar, and you’ve covered every food group for a lot less than it costs to buy lunch.

Learn to use up leftovers

When you are doing your meal planning, add some of the great fridge-clearing recipes for making sure you use up everything. For example, quiche is a delicious (and easy) meal that can handle any meat and veggie odds and ends you want to put in it. Stews and casseroles are also good ways to use up the tail end of Tuesday’s green beans and Thursday’s ham.

Plan for “I don’t feel like cooking” nights

There is a definite time and place for convenience foods. On those days when you would rather go back to work than face the kitchen, you can have some frozen meals already set aside that you can just heat and eat. To be ready for those inevitable nights, just make a double batch of any kinds of meals that freeze well—lasagna, tuna noodle casserole, chicken and rice casserole, and the like—and freeze the one you don’t eat that night. If you do this every time you cook a freezable meal, you’ll soon have plenty of convenient options on harried nights, and you’ll have saved money on each casserole, to boot.

Get a slow cooker

One of the easiest ways to make inexpensive and filling meals is with a crock pot. You can find these appliances for as little as $10-$15 on sale, and there are countless slow cooker recipes online. You can put the ingredients together in the morning before work, set it to simmer, and come home to find dinner done at the end of the day.

Become a vegetarian (some of the time)

Meat is often the most expensive part of any particular meal. Even the most dedicated carnivore can find some favorite vegetarian recipes, and switching to at least one meatless dish a week can really help to bring down your grocery bill.

Drink more water and save on soda

Every nutritionist seems to agree that drinking calories in the form of soda or juice is a terrible idea for our waistlines—and apparently diet options aren’t that much better. Rather than spend money on your beverages, why not develop a taste for water? If you’re used to sweet drinks, you can wean yourself off the stuff by mixing water and your favorite beverage, slowly changing the ratio until it’s just water.

Eat in season and locally

You may know that watermelon is going to cost a mint in February, but most of us are so used to all produce being available year-round that we’ve forgotten what is in season when. Reacquaint yourself with the growing season. The cheapest way to buy produce is to only get what is naturally growing in your area. That doesn’t mean you have to start shopping at farmers’ markets (which can sometimes be more expensive just for the quaintness factor)—it just means that you use the produce that is abundant in your area.

Dine out intelligently

According to the US Department of Agriculture, the average American household spends 54.4% of their food budget eating out. Obviously this is a rich source of saving money.

When you do decide to enjoy a restaurant meal, you can still save money. Order an appetizer as your main course. They are generally more than large enough to fill you up, and will be much cheaper than the entrees. Another option is to split an entrée. Even if the restaurant charges you for splitting (as some do), this will still be a cheaper option than both of you getting your own meal.

Cook less and eat less

There are very few Americans who couldn’t stand to take in fewer calories. If you’re already thinking about trying to drop a few pounds, you could also save yourself some money at the same time. Rather than spending money on diet programs or foods, why not just reduce your portions? Use the recommended portion sizes to determine the size of your meals, and you’ll save money.

Make like your dad and turn off all lights

There was a reason why the old man stalked through every room of the house, turning off lights and muttering about not being made of money. Leaving lights burning wastes energy and money.

Use shades judiciously

Tight-fitting, insulating window shades can help to reduce drafts in the winter if other weatherizing measures haven’t fixed the problem. In the winter, closing your curtains and shades at night can help to keep drafts out, while opening them during the day can help sun-warm the house. In the summer, close south- and west-facing window shades during the day to keep the sun from over-warming the house.

Boil water in the microwave, rather than on the stovetop

Using your nuker to boil water can use up to 60% less energy. If you do need to boil a pot on the stove, make sure you always place the top on the pot—it keeps you from wasting energy on heat loss.

Keep your freezer full

Your freezer works much more efficiently if it is full. The cold items help to keep each other cold, and the freezer doesn’t have to work as hard. You can use bags of ice to help keep the freezer at capacity if you don’t quite have the food to fill it, but just make sure you leave about 1 inch on each side of the interior for better air exchange.

Line dry your clothes

Your clothes dryer is a utility hog. It takes a great deal of electricity to heat up your clothes to dry them. According to The Lint King, the average clothes dryer uses about 13% of a home’s energy budget. That which makes it the most expensive appliance to run in your house—even more expensive than your refrigerator. In addition to that, clothes that dry on a clothesline tend to last longer than those that go through a dryer, so line drying will also reduce your clothing expenses.

Use your dishwasher

This is one area where the new-fangled gadget actually saves you money and energy (not to mention time), over the old-fashioned way. Just be sure to fill up the dishwasher, since the appliance uses the same amount of water, whether it’s full or half-empty.

But turn off the dishwasher’s heat dry function

This is energy that doesn’t need to be used—just allow the dishes to air dry for 20 to 30 minutes before you put them away.

Fix leaky faucets

This is an easy DIY project that will save you hundreds of gallons of water a year. If you’ve never done it before, you should be able to learn by watching some YouTube how-to videos. The good folks at Home Depot and Lowe’s should be able to help you with any hardware you’ll need.

Change your HVAC filter once a month

This will keep your system working at peak efficiency. The filters themselves cost only a few dollars each at Home Depot, Lowe’s, or even Walmart. If you’re unsure exactly how to do it you can always check out YouTube. Seriously, it’s a job you can do in under five minutes.

Lower your water heater’s temperature

13% of your home’s energy goes to heating water, so setting your water heater to 120° will reduce your energy expenditure—and lessen the risk of scalds.

Wash your laundry in cold water

Unless you are laundering cloth diapers, there is very little need for you to wash your duds in hot water. Turn the dial to cold, and you’ll see your clothes last longer and your energy bill lowered.

Stay healthy

This sounds like a no brainer, but many chronic conditions can be prevented or lessened by eating right and exercising. There’s something to that old adage about an apple a day. The exercise-and-nutrition-industrial complex would have you believe that you have to spend money to stay healthy, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Get in the habit of walking

All you need for this ideal exercise is a pair of shoes. Walk to go on errands instead of jumping in the car, or start a walking club with some friends to explore the local neighborhoods.

Bike to work

This is a double-whammy of helping you stay fit while also decreasing your commuting costs.

Grow a garden

This exercise will not only keep you shape, it will also help lower your grocery bill. And anything you can grow in your backyard is going to be a nutritional powerhouse—especially compared to pre-packaged processed food.

Don’t let your doctor be a stranger

Even healthy individuals need to see their doctors regularly. Making sure that you get your regular physicals will help to catch any potential health problems before they become crises.

Ask your doctor questions

Being your own advocate is an important part of medicine. So, when your doctor recommends a procedure or a medication, ask questions about it. Find out why the doctor believes it’s necessary, and whether there are alternatives. Blindly following what your doctor recommends might be costly, and possibly unnecessary.

Go generic with your medicine

It might seem as though generic drugs are somehow inferior to their name brand counterparts, but that simply is not true. The generic version has to meet the exact same standards as the original, and you can get it for a fraction of the cost.

Ask about discounts and samples for medication

If you are not able to get a generic version of your medication, you still might be able to save money. Ask your doctor to write you a prescription for three months’ worth of a regular medication, which generally means you will only have to pay one co-pay instead of three. Alternatively, many doctors will try to help out their patients by giving them samples of expensive meds. Ask your doctor if there are samples available that you can use to help make your overall medication costs lower.

Try home remedies when you’re sick

Honey really can soothe a cough, and ginger really does work wonders for nausea. Often, home remedies will work as well as (or even better) than their over-the-counter cousins, for much less. The next time you’re feeling ill, try a home remedy before heading to the pharmacy.

Understand your health insurance coverage

Before making any appointments with doctors, make sure you spend time on your insurer’s website to know exactly what your insurance covers and what you will need to pay out-of-pocket. It can be a major hit to your wallet if you don’t find out that your insurance doesn’t cover new glasses until after you have already ordered a new pair.

Shop around for medical procedures

Believe it or not, you can check the rates for various procedures at hospitals just like you can check insurance rates. If your doctor has recommended a procedure, find out the current procedural terminology (CPT) code for that procedure. This is the standard billing code that will be the same across the industry. With that code in hand, you can contact the billing department to find out the cost of the procedure, although this could take some persistence. If you find another hospital charges less for the procedure, ask your original hospital if it will match the price.

Ask about a prompt-pay discount

Again, if you have to pay out-of-pocket for all or part of a procedure, you may be able to negotiate a lower price by offering to pay quickly. Hospitals don’t want to chase patients for money, even though they often have to. Prompt payment is definitely worth something to hospitals and can result in a 10% to 40% discount.

Have your hospital bill itemized

Because of the number of people involved in any one patient’s care—nurses, doctors, specialists, etc—the rate of errors on hospital bills is relatively high. Anytime you have to pay for a hospital stay, request an itemized bill and ask questions about any items you do not understand. And be sure to dispute any errors.

Enroll in a Healthcare Flexible Spending Account

We listed Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) as one of the best strategies to save, which allows you to both make out-of-pocket medical costs tax-deductible and get the benefit of tax-free investment earnings. But another, less generous way to accomplish the same goal is through a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), if one is offered by your employer.

For 2020 you can contribute up to $2,750 to an FSA, however you won’t have the benefit of being able to retain the funds for future investment. If they’re not used during or shortly after the tax year, the funds are forfeited.

These can seem like more trouble than they’re worth, but they are an invaluable tool for keeping your healthcare expenses low. Until you get the hang of estimating how much money to set aside, use an FSA calculator to determine how much to put away.

Set goals for saving

The ability to save money usually requires creating a target. Do you want $1,000 saved in the next 6 months? Or $5,000 in the next year? Maybe you want to save. Or money for a new car? Setting goals has a way of creating that all-important visual motivation that often gets lost when saving turns into a pure numbers game. Start setting some savings goals, and be bold when you do. It’s better to aim high and just miss the mark, then to aim low and fall short.

Make a plan for saving

Now you need a way to reach your goals. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but you need a plan. For example, if you want to have $6000 in your emergency fund one year from now, you can accomplish it by setting up automatic deposits for $231 to go into the account from each paycheck, assuming you’re paid every other week.

Set your saving priorities

What you value most is going to be where your money goes. Sit down and set your priorities for your finances. If getting out of debt is your main goal, make it a priority. If filling your emergency fund is the plan, make it the first target you hit before you move on to other savings goals.

Make saving money automatic

You can’t spend it if you don’t see it. Have automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account every paycheck. You could also set up automatic deposits to go into investment accounts and retirement accounts. But if your goal is to pay off debt, you should have the money directly deposited in your savings account, then pay toward your debt each month.

Watch your money grow!

Here is the fun part! Sit back and watch your savings account get bigger and bigger.

The Bottom Line on Ways to Save Money

If you’re serious about reaching financial independence – or retiring early – you’ll need to approach the goal on two fronts:earning more money and saving money. The combination of the two can fast-track your financial progress.

You should certainly find ways to increase your income. But if you can also implement at least some of the strategies in this guide to reduce your expenses, you’ll be able to save and invest more money than you ever imagined.

And if you’ve ever wondered how people retire at 50, 40, or even 35, that’s how it happens. They make more money, and find ways to live on less. There are the two basic ways to build wealth in the shortest amount of time.

Saving money is a vital first step, the next step is making more money.




  1. 会計
  3. 事業戦略
  5. 仕事
  7. 顧客関係管理
  9. ファイナンス
  11. 在庫管理
  13. 個人融資
  15. 投資
  17. コーポレートファイナンス
  19. バジェット
  21. 貯蓄
  23. 保険
  25. 借金
  27. 引退