SGXに上場しているすべての企業の報酬データを収集するのに何週間もかかりました。私はすべての年次報告書をダウンロードし、手動で眼球を使ってデータを取り出しました。 (トップ10テーブルにスキップ)
それを行うためのプログラミングスキルがあればいいのにと思います。とはいえ、この情報は一貫して表示されていないため、スクリプトの実行方法を知っていても、データのクリーンアップに時間を費やす必要があります。たとえば、「CEO」 および「マネージングディレクター」 ヘッドホンチョですが、そのようなタイトルを使わない会社もあります。もう1つの例は、非常勤取締役がCEOよりも高い賃金を受け取る場合です(例:Hor Kew(SGX:BBP) )。
また、会社に常務取締役がいないが、「総支配人」がいる場合にも問題が発生する可能性があります。 または「副大統領」 代わりに。
一部の取締役会はより大きく、常務取締役が多く、一般的に給与が高くなる可能性があります。いくつかの例は、Hong Fok、Cortina、Rex、およびWing Taiであり、取締役会の少数の個人に対して数百万ドルの報酬を報告しました。
この記事では、主要幹部の報酬についてのみ関心がありました。 。したがって、ここに示されているデータは取締役会全体のものではなく、会社ごとに1人の主要な担当者のみです。
正確な報酬を決定するのも難しいことでした。給与、ボーナス、ストックオプション、権利確定、現物給付に分類できます 。私はすべてを考慮に入れましたが、すべてが現金ではないことを覚えておいてください 。
713社を調べました。 (各企業の役員1名の報酬を報告していることに注意してください。すべての役員を含めると、報酬ははるかに高くなります。)
114社が報酬の詳細を提供しなかったか、2019年の年次報告書を持っていませんでした(ほとんどが停止されています 。
驚いたことに、彼はすぐ近くにいました。オクスリーのチン・チアット・クォンが雷を盗んだ。 Chingは、2019年の最高経営責任者であり、総報酬は1,350万ドルから1,375万ドルの範囲です。
総報酬でランク付けされたトップ10のCEOのリストは次のとおりです。シンガポール取引所に二次上場された企業がいくつかあり、以下のランキングでそれらを除外しました。例としては、2019年に1270万ドルを稼いだIHH(SGX:Q0F)のDr Tan See Lengや1200万ドルを稼いだPrudentialのMikeWells(SGX:K6S)があります。
ランク | CEO /キーディレクター | 会社 | 総報酬 |
#1 | Ching Chiat Kwong | オクスリー(SGX:5UX) | $ 13.5M – $ 13.75M |
#2 | Piyush Gupta | DBS(SGX:D05) | $ 12.1M |
#3 | サミュエルN.ツェン | OCBC(SGX:O39) | $ 11.1M |
#4 | ウィー・イ・チョン | UOB(SGX:U11) | $ 10.8M |
#5 | Zhong Sheng Jian | Yanlord(SGX:Z25) | 1,000万ドル〜10.25百万ドル |
#6 | Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay | Genting Sing(SGX:G13) | $ 9.5M – $ 975M |
#7 | クウェクレンベン | CDL(SGX:C09) | 890万ドル |
#8 | Wong Ngit Liong | ベンチャー(SGX:V03) | $ 8.7M |
#9 | Chua Thian Poh | ホービーランド(SGX:H13) | $ 8M – $ 825M |
#10 | クォッククーンホン | ウィルマー(SGX:F34) | $ 740万 |
Share649 共有3つの地方銀行のCEOが報酬チャートを上回っているのを見るのは当然のことです。 3つの銀行は、Straits Times Index(STI)の重み全体の38%を占めていました。それらは指数の動きを促進することができ、したがって私たちの経済の重要な柱です。 CEOは、彼らが引き受ける責任に対して最高額の支払いを受ける必要があります。
リストには、少数の不動産開発業者も含まれています– Oxley、Yanlord、CDL、Ho Bee Land 。シンガポールは金融の中心地であるだけでなく、不動産価格が高いことでも知られています。地元の人々は、不動産が得ることができる最高の投資であるとしばしば信じています。したがって、これも驚くべき傾向ではありません。さらに、Ching Chiat Kwong、Zhong Sheng Jian、Kwek Leng Beng、Chua Thian Pohはそれぞれの会社の過半数の株式を所有しており、所有者はさらに現金を引き出す権利を持っています。
同様に、Tan Sri Lim KokThayとKuokKhoon Hongは、それぞれGentingSingaporeとWilmarの主要株主です。
私が気付いた唯一の外れ値はベンチャーです。 Wong Ngit Liongはベンチャーの7%の株式を保有しており、これは比較すると大きくありません。しかし、彼はベンチャーを成長させる良い仕事をしてきました。過去5年間で、利益を2倍にし、配当を50%増やしました。現在、時価総額は55億ドルで、オクスリー、ホービー、ヤンロードよりも大きい会社です。会社の業績と規模については、彼の給料はまだ正当だと思います。
次に、下を見てみましょう。これは、2019年に最低の報酬を受け取ったCEO /キーディレクターを示す表です。
ランク | CEO /キーディレクター | 会社 | 総報酬 |
#1 | Lau Chor Beng | ジョヤス(SGX:E9L) | $ 0 |
#2 | Teh Wing Kwan | シティコード(SGX:5FH) | $ 0 |
#3 | Lin Kejian | QAF(SGX:Q01) | $ 0 |
#4 | Sim Wong Hoo | クリエイティブ(SGX:C76) | $ 1 |
#5 | Heng Aik Yong | Jasper Inv(SGX:FQ7) | $ 33,992 |
#6 | Wu Xueying | グリーンビルド(SGX:Y06) | $ 50,001 – $ 100,000 |
#7 | Yau Su Peng | 情報学(SGX:BOU) | $ 60,000 |
#8 | ブーンスワンフー | グローバル投資(SGX:B73) | $ 76,502 |
#9 | レンレティアン | ヤンジジャン(SGX:BS6) | $ 76,621 |
#10 | キンチャン | TIH(SGX:T55) | $ 86,000 |
Teh Wing Kwanは、Citicodeの会長兼CEOです。彼は自発的に支払いを延期し、さらに会社に488,586ドルを貸し出しました。
Lin Kejianは、QAFのGoh KianHweeとの共同マネージングディレクターです。ゴーは200万ドルから300万ドルの範囲の報酬を受け取ったが、リンは報酬を受け取らないことに決めた。リンはアンドレハリムの息子であり、アンドレハリムはQAFの68.6%の株式を所有していました。アンドレ・ハリムは非常勤取締役であり、手数料も受け取らないことを選択しました。
Sim Wong Hooは、Creativeの会長兼CEOです。彼はCreativeの33%の株式を保有しており、1ドルの優待給与を受け取っています。
私に明らかになった1つの観察は、Mapletree REITマネージャーのCEOは、CapitaLandREITマネージャーのCEOのほぼ2倍の報酬を受け取っているということでした。
これが例です。 Mapletree CommercialTrustマネージャーのCEOであるSharonLimの総報酬は200万ドルから225万ドルの範囲であり、CapitaComTrustマネージャーのCEOであるKevinChee TienJinの総報酬は100万ドルから125万ドルの範囲でした。両方のREITがほぼ同じサイズであり、それぞれの時価総額が約60億ドルであることを考えると、違いを理解するのは容易ではありませんでした。
$ 13,500,000 | $ 13,750,000 | 19年6月30日 | |||||
IHH | Dr Tan See Leng | $ 12,705,000 | $ 12,705,000 | 19年12月31日 | .33MYRからSGD | ||
DBS | $ 12,126,542 | $ 12,126,542 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
$ 12,027,010 | $ 12,027,010 | 19年12月31日 | GBPからSGD1.79 | ||||
OCBC | $ 11,079,557 | $ 11,079,557 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
UOB | ウィー・イ・チョン | $ 10,752,000 | $ 10,752,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||
Zhong Sheng Jian | $ 10,000,000 | $ 10,249,999 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay | $ 9,500,000 | $ 9,750,000 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
CityDev | Kwek Leng Beng | $ 8,881,000 | $ 8,881,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||
Wong Ngit Liong | $ 8,693,688 | $ 8,693,688 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
$ 8,000,000 | $ 8,250,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||||
$ 7,354,155 | $ 7,354,155 | 19年12月31日 | |||||
Keppel Corp | Loh Chin Hua | $ 7,179,487 | $ 7,179,487 | 19年12月31日 | |||
$ 6,535,267 | $ 6,535,267 | 19年12月31日 | |||||
$ 5,958,474 | $ 5,958,474 | 19年12月31日 | |||||
TCIL | Tan Eng Soon | $ 5,681,340 | $ 5,681,340 | 19年12月31日 | |||
SIA | $ 5,500,463 | $ 5,500,463 | 19年3月31日 | ||||
ChinaSunsine | Xu Cheng Qiu | $ 5,307,000 | $ 5,307,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||
Peh Siong Woon Terence | $ 5,040,000 | $ 5,291,999 | 19年6月30日 | ||||
$ 5,000,000 | $ 5,250,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||||
STエンジニアリング | Vincent Chong Sy Feng | $ 4,980,000 | $ 4,980,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||
$ 4,949,346 | $ 4,949,346 | 19年3月31日 | |||||
Cheong Sim Eng | $ 4,750,000 | $ 4,999,999 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
OUE | $ 4,750,000 | $ 4,999,999 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
SGX | Loh Boon Chye | $ 4,291,175 | $ 4,291,175 | 19年6月30日 | |||
$ 4,250,001 | $ 4,500,000 | 19年6月30日 | |||||
$ 4,250,000 | $ 4,500,000 | 19年3月31日 | |||||
Rex Intl | $ 4,056,105 | $ 4,056,105 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
$ 4,000,000 | $ 4,250,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||||
$ 3,945,143 | $ 3,945,143 | 19年9月30日 | |||||
Khor Hock Seng | $ 3,787,000 | $ 3,787,000 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
GuocoLand | Raymond Choong Yee How | $ 3,750,000 | $ 4,000,000 | 19年6月30日 | |||
Sheng Siong | $ 3,523,000 | $ 3,523,000 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
Tse Chong Hing | $ 3,500,001 | $ 3,750,000 | 19年3月31日 | ||||
HPL | $ 3,500,000 | $ 3,750,000 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
MM2アジア | $ 3,500,000 | $ 3,750,000 | 19年3月31日 | ||||
$ 3,353,422 | $ 3,353,422 | 19年3月31日 | |||||
UMS | $ 3,250,000 | $ 3,499,999 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
Tan Thuan Hor、Jacky | $ 3,250,000 | $ 3,500,000 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
Derek Goh Bak Heng | $ 3,038,301 | $ 3,038,301 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
SingHoldings | Lee Sze Hao | $ 3,011,663 | $ 3,011,663 | 19年12月31日 | |||
ISDN | Teo Cher Koon | $ 3,000,001 | $ 3,500,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||
$ 3,000,001 | $ 3,250,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||||
$ 3,000,000 | $ 3,250,000 | 19年3月31日 | |||||
UOB Kay Hian | Wee Ee Chao | $ 2,982,000 | $ 2,982,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||
Goh Yeow Lian | $ 2,920,000 | $ 2,920,000 | 19年12月31日 | ||||
Roxy-Pacific | テオ・ホン・リム | $ 2,858,000 | $ 2,858,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||
Mewah Intl | Dr Cheo Tong Choon @ Lee Tong Choon | $ 2,750,000 | $ 3,000,000 | 19年12月31日 | |||
$ 2,750,000 | $ 3,000,000 | 19年3月31日 | |||||
Shangri-La HKD | $ 2,700,000 | $ 4,500,000 | 19年12月31日 | HKDからSGD0.18 | |||
Kwek Leng Beng | $2,668,000 | $2,668,000 | 31-Dec-19 | ||||
Haw Par | Manufacturing | Wee Ee Lim | CEO | $2,469,000 | $2,469,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
StarHub | Information and Communications | Peter Kaliaropoulos | CEO | $2,467,162 | $2,467,162 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Lum Chang | Construction | Raymond Lum Kwan Sung | Executive Chairman | $2,303,000 | $2,303,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
CSE Global | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Lim Boon Kheng | CEO | $2,284,000 | $2,284,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
ComfortDelGro | Transportation and Storage | Yang Ban Seng | CEO | $2,264,831 | $2,264,831 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Bumitama Agri | Agriculture and Fishing | Lim Gunawan Hariyanto | CEO | $2,250,001 | $2,500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Lian Beng | Construction | Ong Pang Aik | Managing Director | $2,250,001 | $2,500,000 | 31-May-19 | |
Mapletree Ind | REIT | Tham Kuo Wei | CEO | $2,250,000 | $2,500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Mapletree Log | REIT | Ng Kiat | CEO | $2,250,000 | $2,500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Tat Seng Packaging | Manufacturing | Loh See Moon | CEO | $2,250,000 | $2,500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Top Global | Real Estate Activities | Oei Siu Hoa @ Sukmawati Widjaja | Executive Chairman | $2,250,000 | $2,500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Banyan Tree | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Ho KwonPing | Executive Chairman | $2,245,163 | $2,245,163 | 31-Dec-19 | |
UOL | Real Estate Activities | Liam Wee Sin | CEO | $2,132,000 | $2,132,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
F &N | Manufacturing | Koh Poh Tiong | Chairman | $2,131,917 | $2,131,917 | 30-Sep-19 | |
JB Foods | Manufacturing | Tey How Keong | CEO | $2,124,000 | $2,124,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Metro | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Lawrence Chiang Kok Sung | CEO | $2,123,000 | $2,123,000 | 31-Mar-19 | Stepped down as an Executive Director and Group Chief Executive Officer on 31 May 2019 |
Olam Intl | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Sunny George Verghese | CEO | $2,119,734 | $2,119,734 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Sunpower | Manufacturing | Guo Hong Xin | Executive Chairman | $2,100,000 | $2,600,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
UOA | Real Estate Activities | Chong Soon Kong | Managing Director | $2,057,150 | $2,057,150 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Elec &Eltek USD | Manufacturing | Chang Wing Yiu | Executive Director | $2,003,400 | $2,003,400 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hiap Hoe | Real Estate Activities | Teo Ho Beng | CEO | $2,000,001 | $2,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
CNMC Goldmine | Manufacturing | Professor Lin Xiang Xiong @ Lin Ye | Executive Chairman | $2,000,000 | $2,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Food Empire | Manufacturing | Tan Wang Cheow | Executive Chairman | $2,000,000 | $2,249,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Mapletree Com | REIT | Sharon Lim | CEO | $2,000,000 | $2,250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Mapletree NAC | REIT | Cindy Chow Pei Pei | CEO | $2,000,000 | $2,250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
QAF | Manufacturing | Goh Kian Hwee | Managing Director | $2,000,000 | $3,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
SingPost | Transportation and Storage | Paul Coutts | $2,000,000 | $2,250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | ||
Perennial | Real Estate Activities | Pua Seck Guan | CEO | $1,972,000 | $1,972,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Yeo Hiap Seng | Manufacturing | Melvin Teo Tzai Win | CEO | $1,949,628 | $1,949,628 | 31-Dec-19 | |
ASTI | Manufacturing | Dato’ Michael Loh Soon Gnee | CEO | $1,910,000 | $1,910,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Lung Kee Bermuda | Manufacturing | Siu Tit Lung | Executive Chairman | $1,858,320 | $1,858,320 | 31-Dec-19 | 0.18 HKD to SGD |
Sembcorp Marine | Manufacturing | Wong Weng Sun | CEO | $1,825,000 | $1,825,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
PropNex | Real Estate Activities | Kelvin Fong Keng Seong | Executive Director | $1,794,841 | $1,794,841 | 31-Dec-19 | |
SIA Engineering | Manufacturing | Png Kim Chiang | CEO | $1,791,794 | $1,791,794 | 31-Mar-19 | |
SPH | Manufacturing | Ng Yat Chung | CEO | $1,790,000 | $1,790,000 | 31-Aug-19 | |
Aspen | Real Estate Activities | Dato’ Murly Manokharan | CEO | $1,750,001 | $2,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
AEM | Manufacturing | Loke Wai Sun | Executive Chairman | $1,750,000 | $2,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Keong Hong | Construction | Leo Ting Ping Ronald | CEO | $1,750,000 | $2,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Sembcorp Ind | Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply | Neil McGregor | CEO | $1,522,000 | $1,522,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
GL | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Undisclosed | $1,500,001 | $1,750,000 | 30-Jun-19 | ||
Old Chang Kee | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Han Keen Juan | Executive Chairman | $1,500,001 | $1,750,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Straits Trading | Real Estate Activities | Chew Gek Khim | Executive Chairman | $1,500,001 | $1,750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
APAC Realty | Real Estate Activities | Chua Khee Hak | CEO | $1,500,000 | $1,750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Bund Center | Real Estate Activities | Frankle (Djafar) Widjaja | CEO | $1,500,000 | $1,750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Multi-Chem | Information and Communications | Foo Suan Sai | CEO | $1,500,000 | $1,750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
SingShipping | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Ow Chio Kiat | Executive Chairman | $1,500,000 | $1,750,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
ThaiBev | Manufacturing | Thapana Sirivadhanabhakdi | CEO | $1,500,000 | $1,750,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
Tiong Seng | Construction | Pek Lian Guan | CEO | $1,494,000 | $1,494,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Straco | Arts, Entertainment &Recreation | Wu Hsioh Kwang | Executive Chairman | $1,473,000 | $1,473,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hi-P | Manufacturing | Yao Hsiao Tung | CEO | 1,415,000 | 1,415,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Q&M Dental | Health and Social Services | Dr Ng Chin Siau | CEO | $1,410,145 | $1,410,145 | 31-Dec-19 | |
First Resources | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Ciliandra Fangiono | CEO | $1,407,000 | $1,407,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
UIC | Real Estate Activities | Lim Hock San | CEO | $1,395,000 | $1,395,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Tuan Sing | Real Estate Activities | William Nursalim alias William Liem | CEO | $1,378,626 | $1,378,626 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Dyna-Mac | Manufacturing | Lim Tze Jong Desmond | CEO | $1,300,000 | $1,400,000 | 31-Dec-19 | Deceased |
Sing Inv &Fin | Financial and Insurance Activities | Lee Sze Leong | CEO | $1,298,000 | $1,298,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Parkson Retail | Financial and Insurance Activities | Michael Remsen | CEO | $1,285,000 | $1,285,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Chemical Ind | Manufacturing | Lim Soo Peng | Managing Director | $1,250,001 | $1,500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
GP Industries | Manufacturing | Victor Lo Chung Wing | CEO | $1,250,001 | $1,500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
TLV | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Teo Boon Leng | Managing Director | $1,250,001 | $1,500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Ascott REIT | Business Trust | Beh Siew Kim | CEO | $1,250,000 | $1,500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Aspial | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Koh Wee Seng | CEO | $1,250,000 | $1,500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hanwell | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Allan Yap | Executive Chairman | $1,250,000 | $1,500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Indofood Agri | Agriculture and Fishing | Mark Julian Wakeford | CEO | $1,250,000 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
Spindex Ind | Manufacturing | Tan Choo Pie | Executive Chairman | $1,250,000 | $1,499,999 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Geo Energy Res | Mining and Quarrying | Tung Kum Hon | CEO | $1,200,001 | $1,350,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Challenger | Manufacturing | Loo Leong Thye | CEO | $1,200,000 | $1,249,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Top Glove | Manufacturing | Tan Sri Dr Lim Wee Chai | Executive Chairman | $1,162,925 | $1,162,925 | 31-Aug-19 | |
Hong Leong Asia | Manufacturing | Kwek Leng Peck | Executive Chairman | $1,162,000 | $1,162,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
G K Goh | Financial and Insurance Activities | Goh Geok Khim | Executive Chairman | $1,155,000 | $1,155,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Singapore O&G | Health and Social Services | Dr. Heng Tung Lan | Executive Director | $1,138,091 | $1,138,091 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Thakral | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Inderbethal Singh Thakral | CEO | $1,042,000 | $1,042,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Avarga | Manufacturing | Tong Kooi Ong | CEO | 1,038,693 | 1,038,693 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Choo Chiang | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Thomas Lim | CEO | $1,000,001 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Frasers L&I | REIT | Robert Stuart Claude Wallace | CEO | $1,000,001 | $1,250,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
Frencken | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Dennis Au | Executive Director | $1,000,001 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
HPH Trust | Business Trust | Lam Hing Man, Patrick | CEO | $1,000,001 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | Appointed on 13 July 2019 |
Jumbo | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Ang Kiam Meng | CEO | $1,000,001 | $1,250,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
YHI | Manufacturing | Tay Tian Hoe Richard | Managing Director | $1,000,001 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
Ascendas India Trust | Business Trust | Sanjeev Dasgupta | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Ascendas REIT | REIT | William Tay Wee Leong | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
AusGroup | Manufacturing | Shane Francis Kimpton | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Boustead Proj | Construction | Chu Kok Hong | Managing Director | $1,000,000 | $1,249,999 | 31-Mar-19 | |
CapitaCom Trust | REIT | Kevin Chee Tien Jin | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
CapitaR China | REIT | Tan Tze Wooi | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
CappitaMall Trust | REIT | Tony Tan Tee Hieong | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Chip Eng Seng | Construction | Raymond Chia | CEO | $1,000,000 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
Delfi | Manufacturing | Chuang Tiong Choon | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,249,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
DISA | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Chng Weng Wah | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Jardine C&C | Manufacturing | Eric Chan | Managing Director | $1,000,000 | $1,499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Keppel DC REIT | REIT | Chua Hsien Yang | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Keppel Infra | Business Trust | Matthew Rupert Pollard | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Keppel REIT | REIT | Tham Wei Hsing, Paul | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Koh Bros | Construction | Koh Tiat Meng | Executive Chairman | $1,000,000 | $1,249,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Koufu | Real Estate Activities | Pang Lim | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Low Keng Huat | Construction | Dato’ Marco Low Peng Kiat | Managing Director | $1,000,000 | $1,249,999 | 31-Jan-19 | |
MoneyMax Fin | Financial and Insurance Activities | Dato’ Sri Dr. Lim Yong Guan | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Pacific Century | Financial and Insurance Activities | Peter A. Allen | Managing Director | $1,000,000 | $1,249,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Samko Timber | Financial and Insurance Activities | Riko Setyabudhy Handoko | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Teckwah | Manufacturing | Thomas Chua Kee Seng | Managing Director | $1,000,000 | $1,499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
UnUsUaL | Arts, Entertainment &Recreation | Leslie Ong | CEO | $1,000,000 | $1,500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Far East Htrust | Business Trust | Gerald Lee Hwee Keong | CEO | $994,418 | $994,418 | 31-Dec-19 | |
LHN | Real Estate Activities | Kelvin Lim | Managing Director | $979,000 | $979,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
Netlink Trust | Business Trust | Tong Yew Heng | CEO | $910,430 | $910,430 | 31-Dec-19 | |
MindChamps | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | David Chiem Phu An | CEO | $900,001 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Halcyon Agri | Manufacturing | Robert Meyer | CEO | $900,000 | $900,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
ChinaKangdaFood | Manufacturing | Fang Yu | CEO | $881,200 | $881,200 | 31-Dec-19 | |
InnoTek | Manufacturing | Lou Yiliang | CEO | $872,291 | $872,291 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Centurion | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Kong Chee Min | CEO | $861,000 | $861,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Raffles Edu | Education | Chew Hua Seng | CEO | $850,000 | $900,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
MSC | Manufacturing | Dato’ Dr. Ir. Patrick Yong Mian Thong | CEO | $826,617 | $826,617 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Advanced Systems | Manufacturing | Dato’ Michael Loh Soon Gnee | CEO | $810,000 | $810,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Tai Sin Electric | Manufacturing | Lim Boon Hock Bernard | CEO | $772,000 | $772,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Nam Cheong | Manufacturing | Leong Seng Keat | CEO | $759,400 | $759,400 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Alliance HC | Health and Social Services | Dr. Barry Thng Lip Mong | CEO | $750,001 | $900,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
EnGro | Manufacturing | Tan Cheng Gay | CEO | $750,001 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Golden Energy | Mining and Quarrying | Fuganto Widjaja | CEO | $750,001 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Grand Banks | Manufacturing | Mark Jonathon Richards | CEO | $750,001 | $1,000,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
HC Surgical | Health and Social Services | Dr. Heah Sieu Min | CEO | $750,001 | $1,000,000 | 31-May-19 | |
Kimly | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Lim Hee Liat | Executive Chairman | $750,001 | $1,000,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
Manulife US REIT | REIT | Jill Smith | CEO | $750,001 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
QT Vascular | Manufacturing | Eitan Konstantino | CEO | $750,001 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
RHT Health Trust | REIT | Gurpreet Singh Dhillon | CEO | $750,001 | $1,000,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Sunningdale Tech | Manufacturing | Khoo Boo Hor | CEO | $750,001 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Union Gas | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Teo Hark Piang | CEO | $750,001 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
Amara | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Albert Teo Hock Chuan | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Avi-Tech | Manufacturing | Lim Eng Hong | CEO | $750,000 | $999,999 | 30-Jun-19 | |
China Everbright | Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities | An Xuesong | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
ESR REIT | REIT | Adrian Chui | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Far East Orchard | Real Estate Activities | Lui Chong Chee | CEO | $750,000 | $999,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Fu Yu | Manufacturing | Hew Lien Lee | CEO | $750,000 | $999,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
GSH | Real Estate Activities | Sam Goi Seng Hui | Executive Chairman | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hai Leck | Mining and Quarrying | Cheng Buck Poh @ Chng Bok Poh | Executive Chairman | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Hock Liang Seng | Construction | Chua Leong Hai | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hor Kew | Construction | Dennis Aw Khoon Hwee | Non-executive Director | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
IX Biopharma | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Eddy Lee Yip Hang | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Jackspeed | Manufacturing | Yap Kian Peng | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 28-Feb-19 | |
KepPacOakREIT | REIT | David Eric Snyder | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Maxi-Cash Fin | Financial and Insurance Activities | Ng Leok Cheng | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
MDR | Health and Social Services | Edward Lee Ewe Ming | Executive Chairman | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Micro-Mechanics | Manufacturing | Christopher R. Borch | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
PEC | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Edna Ko Poh Thim | Executive Chairman | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Penguin Intl | Manufacturing | James Tham Tuck Choong | Managing Director | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Procurri | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Thomas Sean Murphy | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Progen | Construction | Lee Ee @ Lee Eng | Managing Director | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
RH PetroGas | Mining and Quarrying | Chang Cheng-Hsing Francis | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Singapura Finance | Financial and Insurance Activities | Teo Chiang Long | Executive Chairman | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Stamford Tyres | Manufacturing | Wee Kok Wah | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 30-Apr-19 | |
Sysma | Construction | Sin Soon Teng | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Jul-19 | |
TeleChoice | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Lim Shuh Moh Vincent | President | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
UOI | Financial and Insurance Activities | David Chan Mun Wai | CEO | $750,000 | $999,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
World Class Global | Real Estate Activities | Ng Sheng Tiong | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Ying Li | Real Estate Activities | Hu Bing | CEO | $750,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Dragon | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Dato’ Michael Loh Soon Gnee | CEO | 745,000 | 745,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Baker Tech | Manufacturing | Dr Benety Chang | Executive Director | $723,092 | $723,092 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Atlantic Nav | Mining and Quarrying | Wong Siew Cheong | CEO | $722,680 | $722,680 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Nordic | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Chang Yeh Hong | Executive Chairman | $712,000 | $712,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Yoma | Real Estate Activities | Serge Pun | Executive Chairman | $700,500 | $700,500 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Enviro-Hub | Financial and Insurance Activities | Raymond Ng Ah Hua | Executive Chairman | $700,001 | $800,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Haong Lai Huat | Real Estate Activities | Dato’ Dr. Ong Bee Huat, Johnny | CEO | $700,000 | $799,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Koda | Manufacturing | James Koh Jyh Gang | Managing Director | $700,000 | $800,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Silverlake Axis | Information and Communications | Dr. Kwong Yong Sin | Managing Director | $662,021 | $662,021 | 30-Jun-19 | Retired on 30 Jun 2019 |
VICOM | Other Service Activities | Sim Wing Yew | CEO | 660,840 | 660,840 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Dynamic Colours | Manufacturing | Yeo Hock Leng | CEO | $659,000 | $659,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Kingsmen Creative | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Chong Siew Ling | Executive Director | $659,000 | $659,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Willas-Array | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Leung Chun Wah | Executive Chairman | $658,000 | $658,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Nippecraft | Manufacturing | Connie Oi Yan Chan | CEO | $655,362 | $655,362 | 31-Dec-19 | |
SP Corp | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Boediman Gozali @ Tony Wu | CEO | $651,634 | $651,634 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Sarine Tech | Manufacturing | David Block | CEO | $639,000 | $639,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Second Chance | Real Estate Activities | Mohamed Salleh | CEO | $627,163 | $627,163 | 31-Aug-19 | |
Uni-Asia | Financial and Insurance Activities | Michio Tanamoto | CEO | $600,001 | $700,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Civmec | Manufacturing | James Finbarr Fitzgerald | Executive Chairman | $600,000 | $1,000,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
SK Jewellery | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Lim Yong Sheng | CEO | $600,000 | $699,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Trendlines | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | David Todd Dollinger | CEO | $595,251 | $595,251 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Figtree | Construction | Siaw Ken Ket @ Danny Siaw | Managing Director | $557,000 | $557,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hotel Grand | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Tan Eng Teong | Managing Director | $556,000 | $556,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
EuroSports Gbl | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Melvin Goh | CEO | $549,000 | $549,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
CEI | Manufacturing | Tan Ka Huat | Managing Director | $548,934 | $548,934 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Asian Healthcare | Health and Social Services | Dr Chin Pak Lin | CEO | $543,000 | $543,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
Incredible | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Christian Kwok-Leun Yau Heilesen | Executive Director | $522,411 | $522,411 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Japan Foods | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Takahashi Kenichi | CEO | $522,000 | $522,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Khong Guan | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Chew Soo Eng | Managing Director | $510,717 | $510,717 | 31-Jul-19 | |
Yongnam | Construction | Seow Soon Yong | CEO | $504,000 | $504,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
AMOS | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Perry Kennedy | CEO | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
AnnAik | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Ow Chin Seng | CEO | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Boldtek | Construction | Phua Lam Soon | CEO | $500,001 | $750,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Bonvests | Real Estate Activities | Henry Ngo | Managing Director | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Edition | Information and Communications | Ong Boon Chuan1 | CEO | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Eneco Energy | Financial and Insurance Activities | Colin Peter Moran | CEO | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | CEO with effect from 3 July 2019 |
Frasers Htrust | Business Trust | Eu Chin Fen | CEO | $500,001 | $750,000 | 30-Sep-19 | CEO from 1 October 2018 to 30 June 2019 |
GDS Global | Manufacturing | Michael Wong | CEO | $500,001 | $700,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
HRnetGroup | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Peter Sim | Executive Chairman | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hwa Hong | Real Estate Activities | Ong Choo Eng | Managing Director | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Kencana Agri | Agriculture and Fishing | Henry Maknawi | Executive Chairman | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
KimHeng Offshore | Mining and Quarrying | Tan Keng Siong Thomas | CEO | $500,001 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
NeraTel | Information and Communications | Beck Tong Hong | CEO | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
OUE Lippo HC | Health and Social Services | Yet Kum Meng | CEO | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
PNE Industries | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Tan Koon Chwee | Managing Director | $500,001 | $750,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
Sasseur REIT | REIT | Anthony Ang Meng Huat | CEO | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Sen Yue | Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities | Koh Mia Seng | Executive Chairman | $500,001 | $750,000 | 30-Sep-19 | Suspended |
Sinjia Land | Manufacturing | Cheong Weixiong, Jeff | CEO | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
TA | Construction | Liong Kiam Teck | Executive Chairman | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
TalkMed | Health and Social Services | Dr Ang Peng Tiam | CEO | $500,001 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
Vallianz | Financial and Insurance Activities | Yeo Chee Neng | Executive Director | $500,001 | $750,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
A-Sonic Aero | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Zhao Xiwang | CEO | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | ||
Accrelist | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Terence Tea Yeok Kian | Managing Director | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Asia Enterprises | Manufacturing | Lee Choon Bok | Executive Chairman | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Asian Micro | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Lim Kee Liew @ Victor Lim | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
BBR | Construction | Tan Kheng Hwee Andrew | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Boustead | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Wong Fong Fui | CEO | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Cheung Woh | Manufacturing | Law Kung Ying | Managing Director | $500,000 | $750,000 | 28-Feb-19 | |
Clearbridge | Health and Social Services | Yee Pinh Jeremy | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Cordlife | Health and Social Services | Tan Poh Lan | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | Ms Tan Poh Lan was appointed as ED and GCEO with eff ect from 28 February 2019 |
Cosco Shipping Int | Transportation and Storage | Gu Jing Song | Executive Director | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
CSC | Construction | See Yen Tarn | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Del Monte Pac | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Joselito D Campos, Jr | CEO | $500,000 | $- | 30-Apr-19 | |
EC World REIT | REIT | Goh Toh Sim | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Ellipsiz | Manufacturing | Kelvin Lum Wen-Sum | CEO | $500,000 | $749,999 | 30-Jun-19 | |
ETC Singapore | Real Estate Activities | Tan Thiam Hee | CEO | $500,000 | $599,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Excelpoint | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Albert Phuay Yong Hen | CEO | $500,000 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
Far East | Manufacturing | Loh Mun Yew | CEO | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Federal Int | Mining and Quarrying | Koh Kian Kiong | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Fragrance | Real Estate Activities | Koh Wee Meng | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Frasers Centrepoint | REIT | Dr Chew Tuan Chiong | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Sep-19 | 1 October 2018 to 30 June 2019. Retired on 1 Jul 2019 |
G Invacom | Financial and Insurance Activities | Anthony Brian Taylor | Managing Director | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Gallant Venture | Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply | Eugene Cho Park | CEO | $500,000 | $1,499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Goodland | Real Estate Activities | Ben Tan Chee Beng | Executive Chairman | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
GRP | Financial and Insurance Activities | Kwan Chee Seng | Executive Director | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
GYP Properties | Information and Communications | Stanley Tan Poh Leng | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Hafary | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Low Kok Ann | CEO | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hatten Land | Real Estate Activities | Dato’ Colin Tan | Managing Director | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Heeton | Real Estate Activities | Toh Giap Eng | Executive Director | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
HGH | Manufacturing | Ng Chuan Heng | Chairman | $500,000 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hotung Inv | Financial and Insurance Activities | Tsui-Hui Huang | CEO | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Huationg Global | Construction | Ng Kian Ann Patrick | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
IFS Capital | Financial and Insurance Activities | Tan Hai Leng Eugene | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Interra Resource | Mining and Quarrying | Marcel Han Liong Tjia | CEO | $500,000 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
Intl Cement | Financial and Insurance Activities | Ma Zhaoyang | Executive Chairman | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Intraco | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Nicholas Yoong Swie Leong | CEO | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
ISOTeam | Construction | Ng Cheng Lian | Executive Chairman | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Jadason | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Fung Chi Wai | CEO | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Jubilee | Financial and Insurance Activities | Lee Sang Sup | SVP | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Katrina | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Alan Goh Keng Chian | CEO | $500,000 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
Koh Eco | Manufacturing | Shin Yong Seub | CEO | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
KOP | Real Estate Activities | Ong Chih Ching | Executive Chairman | $500,000 | $- | 31-Mar-19 | |
Koyo Intl | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Foo Chek Heng | CEO | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
KrisEnergy | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Kelvin Tang | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
KS Energy | Mining and Quarrying | Kris Wiluan | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
KSH | Real Estate Activities | Choo Chee Onn | Managing Director | $500,000 | $899,999 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Lasseters Intl | Real Estate Activities | Datuk Paul Wong Baan Chun | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
LionGold | Mining and Quarrying | Tan Soo Khoon Raymond | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Magnus Energy | Construction | Maung Thein Htike | President | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Jun-19 | Suspended |
MegaChem | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Sidney Chew Choon Tee | Managing Director | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Miyoshi | Manufacturing | Sin Kwong Wah, Andrew | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Aug-19 | |
Moya Asia | Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities | Mohammad Syahrial | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Nam Lee Metal | Manufacturing | Yong Kin Sen | Managing Director | $500,000 | $1,000,000 | 30-Sep-19 | Yong Kin Sen retired as Executive Director and MD and was appointed as an Advisor on 16 December 2019. |
Natural Cool | Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply | Wong Leon Keat | Managing Director | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Dec-19 | Mr Wong Leon Keat ceased as Executive Director, Chief Corporate Officer and Managing Director with effect from 4 January 2020. |
NauticAWT | Wholesale and Retail Trade | John Grønbech | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
No Signboard | Financial and Insurance Activities | Sam Lim | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
Ntegrator Intl | Information and Communications | Han Meng Siew | Executive Chairman | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Ocean Sky Intl | Financial and Insurance Activities | Ang Boon Cheow Edward | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
OKP | Construction | Or Kim Peow | Executive Chairman | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Pavillon | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Chen Seow Phun, John | Executive Chairman | $500,000 | $749,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Prime US REIT | REIT | Barbara Cambon | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Raffles Medical | Health and Social Services | Dr Loo Choon Yong | Executive Chairman | $500,000 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
Sakae | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Douglas Foo Peow Yong | Executive Chairman | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Samurai | Financial and Insurance Activities | Ong Yoke En | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
SingMedical | Health and Social Services | Dr Beng Teck Liang | CEO | $500,000 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
SingMyanmar | Financial and Insurance Activities | Mark Francis Bedingham | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
SLB Dev | Real Estate Activities | Ong Eng Keong | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-May-19 | |
Soilbuild Biz Trust | REIT | Roy Teo Seng Wah | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Southern Packaging | Manufacturing | Pan Shun Ming | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
SunMoonFood | Financial and Insurance Activities | Gary Loh Hock Chuan | Deputy Non-Executive Chairman | $500,000 | $- | 31-Mar-19 | |
Sunright | Manufacturing | Samuel Lim Syn Soo | CEO | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Jul-19 | |
Sunright | Manufacturing | Kenneth Tan Teoh Khoon | Executive Director | $500,000 | $749,999 | 31-Jul-19 | |
TEE Intl | Construction | Phua Chian Kin | Managing Director | $500,000 | $750,000 | 31-May-19 | |
TT Intl | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Sng Sze Hiang | CEO | $500,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Mar-19 | Suspended |
TTJ | Manufacturing | Teo Hock Chwee | Managing Director | $500,000 | $600,000 | 31-Jul-19 | |
Union Steel | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Ang Yu Seng | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
ValueMax | Financial and Insurance Activities | Yeah Hiang Nam | CEO | $500,000 | $1,000,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Vibrant | Transportation and Storage | CEO | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Apr-19 | ||
XMH | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Tan Tin Yeow | Managing Director | $500,000 | $750,000 | 30-Apr-19 | |
ZICO | Financial and Insurance Activities | Chew Seng Kok | Managing Director | $500,000 | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
NSL | Construction | Dr Low Chin Nam | Executive Director | $496,000 | $496,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
IFAST | Information and Communications | Goh Bing Yuan | Executive Director | 489,930 | 489,930 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Matex Intl | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Dr Alex Tan Pang Kee | CEO | $478,255 | $478,255 | 31-Dec-19 | |
ASL Marine | Manufacturing | Ang Kok Tian | Managing Director | $473,000 | $473,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
OKH Global | Real Estate Activities | Lock Wai Han | CEO | $471,078 | $471,078 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Koon | Construction | Yuen Kai Wing | Managing Director | $461,322 | $461,322 | 31-Dec-19 | Resigned 5 Aug 2019 |
Kingsmen Creative | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Soh Siak Poh Benedict | Executive Chairman | $460,000 | $460,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
CDW | Manufacturing | Makoto Yoshikawa | CEO | $451,900 | $451,900 | 31-Dec-19 | |
EcoWise | Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities | Lee Thiam Seng | CEO | $451,000 | $451,000 | 31-Oct-19 | |
CosmoSteel | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Ong Chin Sum | CEO | $450,765 | $450,765 | 30-Sep-19 | 3 Mr Ong Chin Sum ceased to be the CEO and Executive Director of the Company on 12 July 2019. |
Hotel Royal | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Lee Chou Hock | CEO | 450,439 | 450,439 | 31-Dec-19 | |
OneApex | Financial and Insurance Activities | Lawrence Chiu | Executive Director | $447,783 | $447,783 | 30-Sep-19 | |
Bukit Sembawang | Real Estate Activities | Ng Chee Seng | CEO | $442,419 | $442,419 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Resources Prima | Mining and Quarrying | Agus Sugiono | CEO | $431,000 | $431,000 | 31-Dec-19 | Suspended |
MFG Integration | Manufacturing | Lim Chin Tong | CEO | $430,000 | $430,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Kori | Construction | Hooi Yu Koh | CEO | $419,962 | $419,962 | 31-Dec-19 | |
AP Oil | Manufacturing | Ho Chee Hon | CEO | $400,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Mermaid Maritime | Mining and Quarrying | Chalermchai Mahagitsiri | CEO | $400,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
MTQ | Financial and Insurance Activities | Kuah Boon Wee | CEO | $396,000 | $396,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Overseas Edu | Education | David Alan Perry | CEO | $383,000 | $383,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Memories | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Michel Novatin | CEO | $378,422 | $378,422 | 31-Mar-19 | Resigned in Jan 2019 |
HuanHsin | Manufacturing | Hsu Cheng Chien | Managing Director | $363,102 | $363,102 | 31-Dec-19 | |
OIO | Manufacturing | Fan Chee Seng | Executive Chairman | $360,000 | $360,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Winmark Inv | Manufacturing | Tan Tien Hin Winston | CEO | $357,000 | $357,000 | 31-Dec-19 | Suspended |
Pacific Star Dev | Real Estate Activities | Glen Chan | CEO | $350,001 | $600,000 | 30-Jun-19 | Suspended |
Asiatic | Manufacturing | Tan Boon Kheng | Managing Director | $344,000 | $344,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
New Toyo | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Angela Heng Chor Kiang | CEO | $340,271 | $340,271 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Soup Restaurant | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Wong Wei Teck | Managing Director | $338,000 | $338,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Qian Hu | Agriculture and Fishing | Kenny Yap Kim Lee | Managing Director | $334,905 | $334,905 | 31-Dec-19 | |
B&M Holding | Other Service Activities | Paul Martin Pavey | Executive Director | $330,572 | $330,572 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Combine Will | Manufacturing | Tam Jo Tak, Dominic | CEO | $328,000 | $328,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
China Aviation | Other Service Activities | Wang Yanjun | CEO | $321,859 | $321,859 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Yorkshine | Manufacturing | Wang Jianqiao | Executive Director | $316,000 | $316,000 | 30-Apr-19 | |
Global Palm Res | Agriculture and Fishing | Dr Tan Hong Kiat @ Suparno Adijanto | CEO | $304,000 | $304,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
China Env Res | Agriculture and Fishing | Yeung Chi Hang | CEO | $302,424 | $302,424 | 30-Jun-19 | .1798 conversion |
AGV | Other Service Activities | Ang Nam Wah Albert | Executive Director | $300,001 | $400,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
KTMG | Manufacturing | Lim Siau Hing @ Lim Kim Hoe | Executive Chairman | $300,001 | $400,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Sitra | Manufacturing | Chew Ah Ba, George | Executive Director | $300,001 | $400,000 | 31-Dec-19 | Resigned 21 Oct 2019 |
Synagie | Financial and Insurance Activities | Lee Shieh-Peen Clement | CEO | $300,001 | $400,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
KTL Global | Mining and Quarrying | Tan Kheng Kuan | CEO | $300,000 | $400,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Acromec | Health and Social Services | Lim Say Chin | Executive Chairman | $250,001 | $500,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
BlackGoldNatural | Financial and Insurance Activities | Philip Cecil Rickard | CEO | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Captii | Information and Communications | Wong Tze Leng | Executive Chairman | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Don Agro | Agriculture and Fishing | Marat Devlet-Kildeyev | CEO | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
HG Metal | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Foo Sey Liang | Executive Director | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hyphens Pharma | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Lim See Wah | CEO | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
IP Softcom | Information and Communications | Low Ka Choon Kevin | CEO | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
LY Corp | Manufacturing | Tan Kwee Chai | Executive Chairman | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Mencast | Financial and Insurance Activities | Sim Soon Ngee Glenndle | CEO | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
MS Holdings | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Ng Chui Hwa | Executive Chairman | $250,001 | $500,000 | 30-Apr-19 | |
Pollux Prop | Real Estate Activities | Nico Purnomo Po | CEO | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Reenova Investment | Financial and Insurance Activities | Chen Tong | Executive Chairman | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Resources Gbl | Transportation and Storage | Salim Limanto | Executive Director | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Samudera Shipping | Transportation and Storage | Asmari Herry Prayitno | CEO | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Sanli Env | Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities | Sim Hock Heng | CEO | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Sin Ghee Huat | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Kua Ghim Siong | CEO | $250,001 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Sin Heng Mach | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Tan Ah Lye | CEO | $250,001 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
A-Smart | Manufacturing | Lim Huan Chiang | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Jul-19 | |
ABR | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Ang Yee Lim | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Abundance Intl | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Sam Kok Yin | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Accordia Golf Trust | Business Trust | Yoshihiko Machida | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Acesian Parners | Construction | Loh Yih | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Acma | Manufacturing | Quek Sim Pin | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Advancer Global | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Gary Chin | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
AEI | Manufacturing | Tan Chu En Ian | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
AF Global | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Chay Yue Kai | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Anchor Resources | Manufacturing | Lim Chiau Woei | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Aoxin Q &M | Health and Social Services | Dr. Shao Yongxin | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Arion Ent | Financial and Insurance Activities | Ng Kai Man | Executive Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Ban Leong | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Ronald Teng Woo Boon | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Beverly JCG | Financial and Insurance Activities | Ang Kok Huan | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
BH Global | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Vincent Lim Hui Eng | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Broadway Ind | Manufacturing | Tan Choon Hoong | Executive Director | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | Tan Choon Hoong took CEO role in Aug 2019 |
Brook Crompton | Manufacturing | Richard Eason | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Capital World | Real Estate Activities | Siow Chien Fu | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Casa | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Lim Soo Kong | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
CH Offshore | Transportation and Storage | Dr Benety Chang | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Chasen | Transportation and Storage | Low Weng Fatt | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
China Real Estate | Financial and Insurance Activities | Dato’ Dr Choo Yeow Ming | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 30-Jun-19 | |
CWX Global | Mining and Quarrying | Pang Kee Chai, Jeffrey | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Dasin Retail | Business Trust | Li Wen | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Envictus | Manufacturing | Khor Sin Kok | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
ES | Construction | Low Chee Wee | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
FJ Benjamin | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Eli Manasseh Benjamin | CEO | $250,000 | $399,999 | 30-Jun-19 | |
GKE | Transportation and Storage | Chen Yong Hua | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-May-19 | |
Global Dragon | Education | Koh Kian Soo | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $499,999 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Grand Venture | Manufacturing | Ng Wai Yuen Julian | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
GSS Energy | Mining and Quarrying | Yeung Kin Bond, Sydney | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hoe Leong | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Kuah Geok Lin | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | Suspended. resigned on 25 Oct 2019 |
Hosen | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Lim Hai Cheok | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
ICP | Transportation and Storage | Aw Ming-Yao Marcus | Executive Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
IEV | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Christopher Do | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
IPC Corp | Real Estate Activities | Ngiam Mia Je Patrick | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
IPS Securex | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Kelvin Lim Ching Song | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
IREIT Global | REIT | Aymeric Thibord | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Isetan | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Toshifumi Hashizume | Managing Director | $250,000 | $499,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Jason Marine | Manufacturing | Foo Chew Tuck | CEO | $250,000 | $499,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
JEP | Manufacturing | Andy Luong | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Jiutian Chemical | Manufacturing | Lee Chee Seng | Executive Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Karin Tech | Information and Communications | Ng Kin Wing, Raymond | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 30-Jun-19 | |
King Wan | Construction | Chua Kim Hua | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Kitchen Culture | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Lim Wee Li | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
KOP | Real Estate Activities | Leny Suparman | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Ley Choon | Construction | Toh Choo Huat | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Mar-19 | |
LHT | Manufacturing | Yap Mui Kee | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
LifeBrandz | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Saito Hiroyuki | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Jul-19 | |
Lion Asiapac | Manufacturing | Loh Kgai Mun | Executive Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Lippo Malls Trust | REIT | Gouw Vi Ven | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Luxking | Manufacturing | Leung Chee Kwong | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Luzhou Bio-Chem | Manufacturing | Niu Ji Xing | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Manhattan Res | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Low Yi Ngo | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
MarcoPolo Marine | Manufacturing | Lee Wang Tang | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
Mary Chia | Other Service Activities | Wendy Ho | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Memiontec | Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities | Soelistyo Dewi Soegiharto | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Metal Component | Manufacturing | Chua Kheng Choon | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
New Silkroutes | Health and Social Services | Goh Jin Hian | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Noel Gifts | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Wong Siu Hong Alfred | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Oceanus | Agriculture and Fishing | Peter Koh Heng Kang | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Ossia Intl | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Goh Ching Wah | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $499,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Pacific Radiance | Mining and Quarrying | Pang Yoke Min | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | Suspended |
Pan Asian | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Koh Eddie | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
RE&S | Financial and Insurance Activities | Hiroshi Tatara | Executive Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Riverstone | Manufacturing | Wong Teek Son | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Sabana REIT | REIT | Han Yong Lee (Donald) | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Santak | Manufacturing | Tan Chee Hawai | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
SBI Offshore | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Mirzan Bin Mahathir | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Secura | Transportation and Storage | Lim Siok Leng | Executive Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Seroja Inv | Transportation and Storage | Andreas Tjahjadi | Executive Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
SHS | Manufacturing | Ng Han Kok, Henry | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Singapore Kitchen | Manufacturing | Chua Chwee Choo | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
SingReinsurance | Financial and Insurance Activities | Theresa Wee Sui Ling | CEO | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Soon Lian | Manufacturing | Tan Yee Leong | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
ST Group Food | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Saw Tatt Ghee | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Starburst | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Yap Tin Foo | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
SUTL Enterprise | Arts, Entertainment &Recreation | Tay Teng Guan Arthur | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
The Place | Financial and Insurance Activities | Ji Zenghe | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Tiong Woon | Transportation and Storage | Ang Kah Hong | Managing Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Travelite | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Thang Teck Jong | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Tritech | Construction | Dr Wang Xiaoning | Managing Director | $250,000 | $499,999 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Tung Lok Rest | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Tjioe Ka Men | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Tye Soon | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Ong Hock Siang @ Ong Huat Seong | Executive Director | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
VibroPower | Manufacturing | Benedict Chen Onn Meng | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Wilton Resources | Mining and Quarrying | Wijaya Lawrence | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $500,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Wong Fong Ind | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | James Liew | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Yongmao | Manufacturing | Sun Zhao Lin | Executive Chairman | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Zhongmin Baihui | Real Estate Activities | Chen Kaitong | CEO | $250,000 | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
KLW | Manufacturing | Gloria Wong | Executive Director | $246,736 | $246,736 | 31-Mar-19 | |
SBS Transit | Transportation and Storage | Yang Ban Seng | CEO | $240,000 | $240,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Mun Siong Engg | Manufacturing | Cheng Woei Fen | Executive Chairman | $231,000 | $231,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Fuxing China | Manufacturing | Hong Qing Liang | CEO | $213,000 | $213,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Polaris | Manufacturing | Soennerstedt Carl Johan Pontus | CEO | $200,001 | $400,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Adventus | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Wong Sonny Wing Doug | Project Director | $200,000 | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
MeGroup | Financial and Insurance Activities | Wong Cheong Chee | CEO | $200,000 | $299,999 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Renaissance United | Financial and Insurance Activities | William Koh | CEO | $200,000 | $300,000 | 30-Apr-19 | |
Soilbuild Const | Construction | Ganessaraj S/O Soocelaraj | CEO | $200,000 | $300,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
TrickleStar | Manufacturing | Bernard Christopher Emby | CEO | $200,000 | $300,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Olive Tree | Real Estate Activities | Daniel Long Chee Tim | CEO | $192,000 | $192,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Net Pacific Fin | Financial and Insurance Activities | Ong Chor Wei @ Alan Ong | CEO | $187,500 | $187,500 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Yunnan Energy | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Yan Jiong | CEO | $180,000 | $180,000 | 31-Dec-19 | HKD to SGD 0.18 |
Reclaims Global | Construction | Tan Kok Huat | Executive Director | $156,000 | $156,000 | 31-Jan-19 | |
Lorenzo Intl | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Ding Lei | Executive Chairman | $144,000 | $144,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
China Yuanbang | Real Estate Activities | Ouyang Sheng | CEO | $135,800 | $135,800 | 30-Jun-19 | 0.2 exchange rate |
United Food | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Wu Xiaoran | Executive Director | $135,000 | $135,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
AsiaPhos | Mining and Quarrying | Dr. Ong Hian Eng | CEO | $116,000 | $116,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Transit Concrete | Manufacturing | Liu Kien Fang | CEO | $113,000 | $113,000 | 28-Feb-19 | |
Amplefield | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Yap Weng Yau | Executive Director | $112,000 | $112,000 | 30-Sep-19 | |
Azeus | Information and Communications | Lee Wan Lik | Managing Director | $111,240 | $111,240 | 31-Mar-19 | Converted from HKD |
Artivision | Information and Communications | Goh Tzu Seoh Kenneth | CEO | $104,000 | $104,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Leader Env | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Lin Baiyin | CEO | $100,000 | $249,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Shopper360 | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Chew Sue Ann | Managing Director | $100,000 | $250,000 | 31-May-19 | |
TIH | Financial and Insurance Activities | Kin Chan | Executive Chairman | $86,000 | $86,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Yangzijiang | Manufacturing | Ren Letian | CEO | $76,621 | $76,621 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Global Inv | Boon Swan Foo | Chairman | $76,502 | $76,502 | 31-Dec-19 | ||
Informatics | Education | Yau Su Peng | Executive Director | $60,000 | $60,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Green Build | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Wu Xueying | CEO | $50,001 | $100,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Jasper Inv | Financial and Insurance Activities | Heng Aik Yong | Executive Director | $33,992 | $33,992 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Creative | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Sim Wong Hoo | CEO | $1 | $1 | 30-Jun-19 | |
3Cnergy | Real Estate Activities | Chung Chee Khuen | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Addvalue Tech | Information and Communications | Dr Colin Chan Kum Lok | Managing Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Anchun | Manufacturing | Zheng Zhi Zhong | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Annica | Manufacturing | Sandra Liz Hon Ai Ling | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Axington | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Dato’ Tang Swee Guan | Dy Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Axington | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Mr. Ranjit Singh a/l Taram Singh | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Beng Kuang | Manufacturing | Chua Beng Kuang | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Biolidics | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Lew Kwang Ping | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Blumont | Mining and Quarrying | Lee Tak Meng | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
CFM | Manufacturing | Ip Kwok Wing | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Charisma Energy | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Tan Ser Ko | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
ChasWood Res | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Andrew Roach Reddy | Managing Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
China Intl | Construction | ZHANG RONG XIANG | Managing Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
China Mining | Real Estate Activities | Li Bin | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
China Star Food | Manufacturing | Liang Chengwang | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
ChinaKundaTech | Manufacturing | Cai Kaoqun | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Citicode | Real Estate Activities | Teh Wing Kwan | CEO | $- | $30,000 | 31-Dec-19 | As part of the financial support to the Company, Mr Teh Wing Kwan, as a substantial Shareholder, Executive Chairman and CEO of the Company, has voluntarily offered to defer his pay during the financial year under review aside from providing a total interest-free loans and advances of approximately S$488,586 to the Company as at 31 December 2019. |
Colex | Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities | Desmond Chan Kwan Ling | Executive Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
CPH | Manufacturing | Choo Tung Kheng | Managing Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Darco Water Tech | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Wang Yaoyu | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Datapulse Tech | Manufacturing | Lee Kam Seng | Executive Director | $- | $100,000 | 31-Jul-19 | |
Dukang | Manufacturing | Zhou Tao | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Eindec | Financial and Insurance Activities | Queenie Foo Quek Cheng | Acting CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Ezion | Financial and Insurance Activities | Chew Thiam Keng | CEO | $- | $700,000 | 31-Dec-19 | Suspended |
Fabchem China | Manufacturing | Bao Hongwei | Managing Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Forise Int | Manufacturing | Peng Weile (Leo) | Executive Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
FortressMinerals | Mining and Quarrying | Dato’ Sri Ivan Chee | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 28-Feb-19 | |
Fuji Offset | Manufacturing | Teo Kee Bock | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Global Testing | Manufacturing | Chen, Tie-Min | Executive Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
GS Hldg | Financial and Insurance Activities | Pang Pok | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
HealthBank | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | George Peng Fei | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Healthway Med | Health and Social Services | Dr Khor Chin Kee | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Heatec Jietong | Manufacturing | Jeffrey Soon | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Hengyang Petro | Transportation and Storage | Gu Wen Long | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
HL Global Ent | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Foo Yang Hym | CFO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | No CEO |
Imperium Crown | Real Estate Activities | Sun Bowen | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Jawala | Agriculture and Fishing | Datuk Jema Anton Khan | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Jul-19 | |
Joyas Intl | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Lau Chor Beng, Peter | Managing Director | $- | $- | 31-Dec-19 | Paid only in bonus. Co made loss so no bonus |
LCT | Real Estate Activities | Du Junqi | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
M Development | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Huang Wen-Lai | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | Suspended |
Medtecs | Manufacturing | Clement Yang Ker-Cheng | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Mercurius | Real Estate Activities | Chang Wei Lu | CEO | $- | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
Metech Intl | Administrative and Support Service Activities | Simon Eng | CEO | $- | $150,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
MYP | Financial and Insurance Activities | Jonathan Tahir | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Neo | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | Neo Kah Kiat | CEO | $- | $750,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
New Wave | Manufacturing | Ong Kian Soon | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
NGSC | Information and Communications | Dr Michael Kuan-Chi Sun | Executive Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Nico Steel | Manufacturing | Tan Chee Khiong Danny | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 29 Feb 2019 | |
NutryFarm | Manufacturing | Paul Gao Xiang Nong | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Ouhua Energy | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Liang Guo Zhan | Executive Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
P5 Capital | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Lim Fong Yee Roland | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Pan Hong | Real Estate Activities | Wong Lam Ping | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
PanUnited | Manufacturing | Ng Bee Bee | CEO | $- | $500,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Pharmesis | Manufacturing | Wu Xuedan | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Pine Cap | Financial and Insurance Activities | Lee Tze Wee, Andrew | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | Suspended |
PlatoCapital | Financial and Insurance Activities | Gareth Lim Tze Xiang | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Powermatic Data | Real Estate Activities | Chen Mun | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
PSL | Construction | Lee Chee Tak | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | Suspended |
Raffles Infrastructure | Manufacturing | Eric Choo Han Kiat | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Revez | Interactive Technology | Neo Wee Han Victor | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Rich Capital | Real Estate Activities | Wang ZhenWen | Non-Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Sapphire | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Wang Heng | CEO | $- | $199,999 | 31-Dec-19 | |
SEVAK | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Maneesh Tripathi | CEO | $- | $750,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
SIIC Environment | Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities | Xu Xiaobing | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Silkroad Nickel | Mining and Quarrying | Hong Kah Ing | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Sim Leisure | Arts, Entertainment &Recreation | Sim Choo Kheng | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Singapore-eDev | Financial and Insurance Activities | Chan Heng Fai | CEO | $- | $- | 31-Dec-19 | |
SingHaiYi | Real Estate Activities | Celine Tang | Managing Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
SinoCloud | Information and Communications | Chan Andrew Wai Men | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
Sinopipe | Manufacturing | Wang Sen | Non-Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | Suspended |
Sinostar Pec | Manufacturing | Zhang Liu Cheng | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Spackman | Financial and Insurance Activities | Ko Jihwan | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Sunrise Shares | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Wong Siu Fai | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Suntar Eco-City | Manufacturing | Lan Yihong | Executive Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Tianjin ZX | Construction | Wang Mai | Executive Director | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Trek 2000 | Information and Communications | Tan Joon Yong, Wayne | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
TSH | Financial and Insurance Activities | Chua Khoon Hui | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
UG Healthcare | Manufacturing | Lee Keck Keong | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
USP | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Kan Bright Pan | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
Versalink | Manufacturing | Matthew Law | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 28-Feb-19 | |
Vicplas | Manufacturing | Cheng Liang | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Jul-19 | |
Viking Offshore | Mining and Quarrying | Andy Lim | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Vividthree | Information and Communications | Charles Yeo | Managing Director | $- | $300,000 | 31-Mar-19 | |
World Precision | Manufacturing | Shao Jianjun | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Y Ventures | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Low Yik Jin | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-Dec-19 | |
Yamada Green | Agriculture and Fishing | Chen Qiuhai | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 30-Jun-19 | Suspended |
Yinda Infocomm | Financial and Insurance Activities | Qian Zimin | CEO | $- | $250,000 | 31-May-19 | |
Zhongxin Fruit | Manufacturing | Zhang Jiming | Executive Chairman | $- | $250,000 | 30-Jun-19 | |
8Telecom | Suspended | ||||||
Abterra | Suspended | ||||||
Ace Achieve | Suspended | ||||||
Advanced | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | No 2019 annual report | |||||
AIMS AMP REIT | REIT | Koh Wee Lih | CEO | 31-Mar-19 | |||
AIMS Property | No 2019 annual report | ||||||
AliPictures HKD | SEHK | ||||||
Alita Resources | Suspended | ||||||
Allied Tech | Suspended | ||||||
Alpha Energy | Suspended | ||||||
Amcorp Global | Suspended | ||||||
AMTD | |||||||
AnAn Intl | Wholesale and Retail Trade | No annual report in 2019 | |||||
ARA LOGOS Log Trust | REIT | Daniel Cerf | CEO | 31-Dec-19 | |||
ARA US Htrust | Business Trust | Lee Jin Yong | CEO | 31-Dec-19 | |||
Asia Fashion | Suspended | ||||||
Asia Vets | Financial and Insurance Activities | No 2019 AR | |||||
Asiamedic | Health and Social Services | Dr Wong Kae Thong | Acting COO | 31-Dec-19 | |||
Asian Pay TV | Business Trust | Brian McKinley | CEO | 31-Dec-19 | |||
Asiatravel | Suspended | ||||||
Astaka | Suspended | ||||||
AVJennings A$ | GlobalQuote | ||||||
Ayondo | Suspended | ||||||
Berlian LajuTank | Suspended | ||||||
Best World | Suspended | ||||||
BHG Retail REIT | REIT | Chan Iz-Lynn | CEO | 31-Dec-19 | |||
BMM | Suspended | ||||||
BRC Asia | Manufacturing | Seah Kiin Peng | CEO | 30-Sep-19 | |||
Camsing Hc | Wholesale and Retail Trade | 31-Jan-19 | Suspended | ||||
CDL HTrust | Business Trust | Vincent Yeo Wee Eng | CEO | ||||
China Env | Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities | Suspended | |||||
China Fishery | Agriculture and Fishing | Suspended | |||||
China Great Land | Construction | Suspended | |||||
China Haida | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
China Hongxing | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
China Jishan | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
China Paper | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
China Sky Chem | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
China Sports | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
China Taisan | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
Courage Inv | Transportation and Storage | ||||||
CromwellREIT | REIT | Simon Garing | CEO | 31-Dec-19 | |||
Dairy Farm | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Ian McLeod | CEO | 31-Dec-19 | |||
Debao Property | Financial and Insurance Activities | 31-Dec-19 | no Dec 2019 AR | ||||
Design Studio | Manufacturing | 31-Dec-19 | Suspended | ||||
Eagles Htrust | Suspended | ||||||
Elite Com REIT | REIT | ||||||
EMAS Offshore | Transportation and Storage | Suspended | |||||
Epicentre | Wholesale and Retail Trade | 30-Jun-19 | Suspended | ||||
Ezra | Mining and Quarrying | Suspended | |||||
Falcon Energy | Mining and Quarrying | Suspended | |||||
First REIT | REIT | Tan Kok Mian Victor | CEO | ||||
First Ship Lease | Business Trust | Roger Woods | CEO | 31-Dec-19 | |||
Frasers L&C | REIT | ||||||
Full Apex | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
GCCP | Mining and Quarrying | no 2019 AR | |||||
Guoan Intl | Wholesale and Retail Trade | 31-Dec-19 | |||||
HongkongLand USD | Real Estate Activities | 31-Dec-19 | |||||
Hu An Cable | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
Hyflux | Financial and Insurance Activities | Suspended | |||||
Inch Kenneth | Agriculture and Fishing | 31-Dec-19 | |||||
InnoPac | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
JES Intl | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Suspended | |||||
JMH USD | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | 31-Dec-19 | |||||
JSH USD | Financial and Insurance Activities | ||||||
Lafe | Real Estate Activities | Suspended | |||||
Lendlease REIT | REIT | ||||||
Libra | Construction | Suspended | |||||
Linc Energy | Mining and Quarrying | Suspended | |||||
Lonza | Manufacturing | ||||||
Man Oriental USD | Accommodation and Food Service Activities | 31-Dec-19 | |||||
Maruwa Yen1k | Manufacturing | ||||||
Medinex | Health and Social Services | ||||||
Memstar Tech | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
Midas | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
Mirach Energy | Agriculture and Fishing | ||||||
MMP Resources | Construction | 31-Dec-19 | No senior management. No executive directors. | ||||
MSM Intl | Manufacturing | Chan Wen Chau | CEO | 31-Mar-19 | |||
Murata Yen1k | Manufacturing | ||||||
Noble | Wholesale and Retail Trade | Suspended | |||||
Nomura Yen1k | Financial and Insurance Activities | ||||||
OEL | Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities | Zhao Xin | CEO | 31-Dec-19 | |||
OUE Com REIT | REIT | Tan Shu Lin | CEO | 31-Dec-19 | |||
Pacific Andes | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
Pan Ocean | Transportation and Storage | 31-Dec-19 | |||||
ParkwayLife REIT | REIT | Yong Yean Chau | CEO | 31-Dec-19 | |||
Plastoform | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
Regal Intl | Construction | ||||||
Ryobi Kiso | Financial and Insurance Activities | Suspended | |||||
Shanghai Turbo | Manufacturing | 31-Dec-19 | No CEO or executive directors | ||||
Shinvest | Manufacturing | No Aug 19 AR | |||||
Sincap | Mining and Quarrying | No AR for 2019 | |||||
Sing Paincare | Health and Social Services | ||||||
Sino Grandness | Manufacturing | No 2019 AR | |||||
SPH REIT | REIT | Susan Leng Mee Yin | CEO | 31-Aug-19 | |||
Sri Trang Agro | Manufacturing | No 2019 AR | |||||
Starhill Global REIT | REIT | Ho Sing | CEO | 30-Jun-19 | |||
Starland | Real Estate Activities | 31-Dec-19 | No CEO | ||||
StratechGroup | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
Suntec REIT | REIT | Chong Kee Hiong | CEO | ||||
SunVic Chemical | Financial and Insurance Activities | Suspended | |||||
Swee Hong | Construction | Suspended | |||||
Swiber | Mining and Quarrying | Suspended | |||||
Swing Media Tech | Manufacturing | ||||||
Swissco | Transportation and Storage | ||||||
Tech Oil &Gas | Mining and Quarrying | Suspended | |||||
Thomson Medical | Health and Social Services | no 2019 AR | |||||
Tosei | Real Estate Activities | 30-Nov-19 | |||||
Transcorp | Arts, Entertainment &Recreation | Suspended | |||||
Triyards | Manufacturing | Suspended | |||||
Universal Res | Mining and Quarrying | Suspended | |||||
UtdHampshre REIT | REIT | ||||||
YuuZoo Networks | Financial and Insurance Activities | Suspended | |||||
Zheneng Jinjiang | Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities | Zhang Chao | 31-Dec-19 |